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This Woman Wants To Know If She's The A**hole For Breaking Up With Her Trump-Supporting Boyfriend, And The Internet Isn't Holding Back

Gather 'round everyone, it's time to dive into my favorite corner of the internet, the subreddit called Am I the Asshole? This is where Reddit users tell the internet about situations they're in and ask if they're the asshole for how they handled it.

Today's installment involves politics and dating. This story comes from a 17-year-old woman who said, "So I started talking to this guy (16, male) around New Year's time. We hit it off and became official about a week later. When Trump was inaugurated, I debated with my mom and her boyfriend over his speech and what he wanted to do with his executive orders. I am very anti-Trump. I have even argued over Trump in my debate club at school many times."

donald trump making faces

"That night, I was on a call with my boyfriend telling him about the debate and how bad Trump's presidency would be, when he came out with, 'Is it a bad time to say I would've voted for Trump?' His exact words. This left me a bit blindsided. He told me how he liked Trump's economy and social relations. We stopped talking about it and went to sleep because he wanted to stop talking about it."

A person with long hair and hoop earrings appears surprised, holding their chest with a hand, in a casual setting

"I broke up with him anyway since there were other deciding factors. He got defensive, telling me it's not that big of a deal and that he's actually anti-government and doesn't know much about politics. When I told my mom and her boyfriend, they said I'm just a really opinionated person, and this isn't something I should break up with someone over. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but politics and stuff like what Trump wants to do are really important to me, even though I don't live in America. I think I made the right decision, but I still want to know, AITA?"

Person shouting with text overlay: "THAT'S MY OPINION!!!!"

A LOT of people responded with a resounding 'NO,' saying she's not the asshole here. "This is a message that young people need to absorb. You can break up with someone for any reason. Sometimes that knowledge will help you avoid really bad situations," user CemeteryDweller7719 stressed.


"Supporting a fascist wannabe dictator is 100% a valid reason to kick his ass to the curb," user Jasmisne pointed out.

"You are kids and have been going out for a few weeks. You can break up with him for liking different pizza toppings if you want to," said user 6ft3dwarf.

Woman smiling at a table with text: "Have you ever said 'no' when offered pizza?"

"NO. And I hope your parents WAKE TF UP," said user La_Baraka6431.

"I'm contemplating divorce every time I get home from work and he's been watching Fox News all day 🙄," user SheepherderNo785 shared.

Man with short, white hair and a suit speaking with text overlay: "I turned on Fox to find out how popular I am..."

"You were right. Opposition to Trump is not only about policies. It's also about values and character. The Trump regime is far-right fascism; they keep proving it. People who choose to ignore that are like cult members," user RevolutionaryYouth88 said.

"Pretty hard to find someone attractive when they support policies that encourage the destruction of democratic norms, racism, sexism, violence against journalists, and the destabilization of world economies. Glad you can see through this MAGA cult! Keep on being 'really opinionated.' That is what the world needs right now!"


And user SkyLightk23 said they would've done the same thing. "I wouldn't want to fight every day over stuff like that. The original poster cares about politics, and her boyfriend says he doesn't, but he still has a strong opinion, which he is unwilling to change. He seems to care but doesn't want to fight with the original poster."

Three medical professionals in a heated discussion; one watches intently. Scene from a TV show

However, some people felt expecting their partner to align with them on every issue was unrealistic, like user CJaneNorman. "You also shouldn’t expect to agree with someone on everything. If that’s the expectation, then the original poster would end up single forever 'cause it just doesn’t happen."

While user Empty_Try8500 said she's not the asshole, they also said this argument goes both ways. "He would also not be an asshole if he broke up with you for being a Kamala (or whoever) supporter."

"But for your own sake, you may want to stop obsessing over politics, especially in another country. And I hope you don’t get into the pattern of cutting off people who disagree with you."


And user ECS0804 said there is one way she could be the asshole. "If you hold it against him like a grudge or something and stop being friends with him over it, then yes, you're the asshole. It happened to me, although with just regular friends."

<div> <p>"You're not the asshole. People have different beliefs. If the person you're dating doesn't match yours and you don't get along, it's best to end it. Just don't think that 'Oh, he's a Trump supporter, he's a bad person,' because that is judging a book by its cover, which isn't a good thing at all."</p> </div><span> NBC / Via <a href="" data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;elmt:premonetized" rel="sponsored" target="_blank" data-ylk=";elm:affiliate_link;elmt:premonetized;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link  rapid-with-clickid etailiffa-link"></a></span>

And finally, "I think this growing trend of canceling your friends and even family members over their vote is very sad and disturbing," user pedsteve shared.

<div> <p>"All it does is dig a hole around you, and you're left in an echo chamber, further solidifying your views and further validating your horrible belief that the 'other side' consists of Nazis and don't deserve human rights or respect. I disagree politically with plenty of my family; we just know not to bring it up. We respect each other and our different opinions. It's all just really sad."</p> </div><span> Fox / Via <a href="" data-i13n="elm:affiliate_link;elmt:premonetized" rel="sponsored" target="_blank" data-ylk=";elm:affiliate_link;elmt:premonetized;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link  rapid-with-clickid etailiffa-link"></a></span>

What do you think? Was her boyfriend's support of Trump a good enough reason to break up with him? Let us know in the comments.

Responses have been edited for length/clarity.