MAFS' Adrian reveals real reason why he didn't write his confession letter

EXCLUSIVE: Adrian Araouzou has also clarified whether he's ever cheated on a partner.

MAFS’ Adrian Araouzou.
MAFS’ Adrian Araouzou has explained why he didn’t write a confession letter during Honesty Week. Photo: Channel Nine

After causing plenty of controversy in Wednesday night’s episode of Married At First Sight, Adrian Araouzou has defended his decision not to write a confessions letter to his bride Awhina Rutene. The 30-year-old business owner chose not to take part in the Honesty Week task because he felt like he didn’t want to share intimate moments of his life with Awhina, which left her frustrated and led to an argument about their future in the experiment.

Speaking with Yahoo Lifestyle about the incident, Adrian asserts that he is “100 per cent an honest person” and will always give a truthful answer when asked a question. However, he didn’t feel close enough to Awhina after knowing her for “around 10 days” to open up about his past so simply chose not to write anything in his letter.

“To be honest, where my head was going at that time, it was a harder time in my life. And when you go through those moments and you relive those moments and you write them down, you embody those feelings again,” he details.

“I was just like, I don't know if I'm ready to share this message with someone I just met, because in the past, I’ve told people personal things and they’ve burned me with it. So I didn't know Awhina enough to want to share that message with her just in case one day she would throw it back in my face.”



Adrian adds that he was also hesitant to share such personal details about his life on the show knowing that it would be seen by millions of viewers.

“At the time, I didn't want to share that message with the world. Even though we are on a TV show, I think there are things that everyone needs to keep private to themselves or to their loved ones and people they can trust,” he continues.

“At that time, I didn't know if I could trust Awhina in that sense of like, is she going to throw this back in my face later? But eventually, I told her. When I got to know her, I told her exactly what I was supposed to write that day.”

MAFS’ Adrian Araouzou and Awhina Rutene.
Adrian says he eventually told Awhina what he would’ve shared in his letter. Photo: Channel Nine

During another Honesty Week task, Adrian was left disappointed when Awhina admitted she had cheated on a previous partner and said he “[doesn’t] tolerate unfaithfulness”. He was later called out by the show’s producers when they argued he wasn’t telling the truth about his own history of fidelity as they had seen his application, leading him to explain a rather messy situation with his ex-girlfriend.


While the moment blindsided viewers, Adrian tells Yahoo Lifestyle he had already told Awhina on their honeymoon about his complicated history with his ex - which he still maintains isn’t cheating.

“I had told Awhina, listen, the worst I have done was I had a girlfriend that I was in love with, we broke up - and knowing what I know now, I was still in love with her - and then a couple of months later, I hooked up with another girl. And then two months later, I got back with my ex-girlfriend,” he explains.


“Essentially in my mind, that felt like cheating. I should never have seen another girl. I should have waited until that had passed and knew exactly where we were standing in the relationship. I felt guilty for doing that, and I explained that on the show.


“I can see people will misinterpret it, but it just gives people something to talk about I guess.”

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