Kmart fans left fuming over dollhouse inclusion: 'Rather be safe'

A mum has slammed Kmart for an unnecessary inclusion in a dollhouse.

A mother has slammed Kmart after she found a bathroom addition to a dollhouse that she had bought for her young daughter, saying she threw the item straight in the bin.

Uploading a TikTok that now has nearly 3 million views, user @simonenavybox was less than impressed to find the dollhouse also included a tiny set of scales as part of the bathroom furniture.

"Umm probably not gonna teach my little girl she needs scales in her bathroom Kmart," the TikTok read, with the caption stating that the scales went straight to the bin.

People in the comments were divided, with some praising her for calling Kmart out.

A TikTok has slammed Kmart's inclusion of scales in its toy dollhouse. Photo:
A TikTok has slammed Kmart's inclusion of scales in its toy dollhouse. Photo:

"Thank you! A lot of people think it’s not that serious but I’d rather be safe than ruin my kids' teenage years, it really does start at home," one person said.



"Personally my family never kept a scale & the only time one was ever in our home, my sister bought it during her first severe battle with her ED [eating disorder]," another said.

kmart dollhouse tiny scales
The mum said she threw the tiny scales out. Photo:

However, some people said it was completely normal to have scales and that it was better to teach children to have a healthier association with them than not at all.

"Healthy association with scales is better than avoiding them!" one person commented.

"This is so true. Make her aware of what a scale is and how we use it to measure how big our bodies are getting! Sometimes we use them to make sure we’re healthy but they’re just numbers mostly!" another person agreed.


"I think if you teach her scales are normal then it’s not a problem, my mom was the one that taught me the scale was the enemy," someone else shared.


Others had different ideas for the scales.

"My daughter uses it as a toilet lid lol," one person said, with the comment being liked over 70,000 times.

"I use my scales daily normally before and after number twos I get curious sometimes and do number one and re-weigh before my number twos," another person overshared.

For confidential support about eating disorders and body image issues you can free call the Butterfly Foundation National Hotline on 1800 33 4673.

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