Woman seeks advice on divorcing husband after discovering shock bucks party secret

After 18 months of marriage, one woman has found out her husband hasn't been faithful to her in the most shocking way.

A woman has shocked Everybody Has A Secret podcast hosts after detailing a story where she found out her best friend and maid of honour had slept with her now-husband on his buck's party night.

The unnamed woman, who's been married for 18 months, found out the debaucherous secret on a girls' night after her (former) BFF had too much to drink and accidentally let slip her "body count" was higher than what it had previously been, despite having been in a relationship for the last three years.

"Last week my best friend admitted to me that she had sex with my husband at his buck's party," the story began.

"As you can imagine I'm devastated. My husband Tom and I have been married for 18 months and I had absolutely no idea that there were any issues in our relationship, let alone that he was capable of this level of deception.

Everybody Has A Secret podcast hosts
A woman is asking people for divorce advice after finding out her husband cheated on her with her best friend. Photo: TikTok

"My best friend's name is Maddie and she was the maid of honour at our wedding. We have been best friends for two decades."


The story went on to explain that Maddie, the woman in question, and a bunch of friends had been on a girls' night out where they were discussing body count and Maddie revealed she had slept with 19 people, with her best friend correcting her that it should've been 18 people as Maddie has been with her partner for three years now.


"She clearly realised in that moment she had made a mistake, because she tried to pathetically backtrack but she was too inebriated to do it convincingly in this moment. I thought she'd probably just expose herself for cheating on her partner Jack and was embarrassed a little while later. I pulled her aside and said I wouldn't judge her if she cheated on Jack... she burst into tears and did not make any sense, she kept saying it was a mistake and I was just so confused."

The woman found out her best friend slept with her husband after her friend admitted her real
The woman found out her best friend slept with her husband after her friend admitted her real "body count". Photo: TikTok

The inebriated friend, Maddie, then revealed she had slept with Tom, her friend's husband on the night of his bucks.


"She won't tell me why or how she ended up there. I clearly remember on the night of his bucks, I'd asked her to come over and hang out with me because I was feeling anxious and she evidently lied by telling me she was busy and had to work that night instead."

The woman went on to say although her friend had apologised and sent her countless messages, she couldn't "stomach" talking to her again.

Now, the woman is asking for advice on how to tell her husband she's divorcing him, as the news came to light while he's been away on an international work trip.



"I'm sure as hell not doing this over the phone," the woman said. "I've already called our real estate agent to break our lease. He's not going to get away with this via a phone call or text message, I won't allow it. He gets back in 10 days. How should I tell my husband I'm divorcing him?"

People flooded the comments to let their opinions known on what they would do in that situation.

"I would tell her partner immediately!" one person said. "Surely the 'friend' will have warned him," another pointed out. "So see a lawyer, transfer your $ out, pack his stuff, change the locks. Tell all his friends and family and the partner of the ex friend."

"Have a surprise welcome home party and tell him in front of all his close friends and family," one person suggested.


"Move your stuff out and let the lawyer draw up the paperwork. Let the furniture at the house, and when he comes home, do a romantic rose paddle trail to the bedroom," another said. "And when he reaches the bedroom have a box with the papers inside up on the bed like a gift. Let him unwrap it and open it. When he see what it is walk away. Have a note on top btw with the words I know about you and Maddie."

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