Wife shocks with X-rated detail hidden in shopping list

A woman has raised eyebrows by hiding an X-rated detail in a shopping list she wrote for her unsuspecting husband.

Hunter from Sydney took to Facebook to share a snap of the handwritten list of groceries she gave her hubby before his trip to the shops, which included products such as dishwashing liquid, bread and iced tea.

hand written shopping list on wooden table top
A wife has pranked her husband by hiding an X-rated detail in her shopping list. Photo: Facebook (supplied).

But look a bit closer and in amongst the supermarket staples, you’ll spot a rather raunchy surprise request...

Hunter tells Yahoo Lifestyle that, after almost two decades together, her husband is used to finding something ‘funny or sweet’ on the shopping list.

“He knows me well and I normally add something funny or sweet so he probably half expects it,” she says.


It didn’t take long for her husband to notice Hunter’s most recent sneaky addition to his list.

“He just laughed and said, ‘you’re a dick!’ He knows it was just a joke and that I love him. We’ve been together 17 years and married eight years so it’s normal for us and he expects my nutty behaviour,” she explains.

Hunter and her hubby love having a chuckle and she says that her little silly surprises ‘break up the monotony of a mundane shopping task’.

Her cheeky prank was a hit with fellow social media users who flooded the comments with praise and tongue-in-cheek follow up questions.

“OMG I’m out and just read this and spontaneously snort laughed!!!!” wrote one fan.

“What aisle please?” quipped another.

“How good, did you get it???” enquired a third user to which Hunter replied, “Lol no, must be a very popular item.”

Here’s hoping it’s restocked soon!

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