Time to end the rivalry: Why we need to stop comparing Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle

Enough is enough, they're going on with their lives and so should we, writes Melissa Hoyer.

Meghan Markle (left) and Kate Middleton (right).
The Duchess of Sussex and the Princes of Wales are constantly being pitted against each other. Photo: Getty

The time has come when two of the world’s most recognised, famous and "royal" women should stop being constantly compared and contrasted. The Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Sussex — Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle to most of us — have chosen well and truly different paths in life. One chose public duty; the other, (a not-so) private and commercial enterprise of making products, podcasts and documentaries.

They live on differing continents and have taken on divergent life roles. Sure they happen to be married to brothers, William, who will be the next King of England and Harry, who is now 5th in line to the throne. That will ensure the media spotlight will always shine on them both.

And that is where the similarity should end. But I know I’m dreaming and it is pure wishful thinking.

Meghan launching her new pet treat line at the same time as Kate was making her first public appearance since her cancer diagnosis, at the recent Trooping the Colour, was seen by some as a cynical move. A way to potentially steal some of the media limelight. All it did was garner fairly negative headlines.

But at this stage of the game, anyone who has invested any time in watching the royals has pretty much made up their mind. They are either Camp Kate or Team Meghan.


No no matter which of the wondrous Windsor wives you wish to support, it’s about time the duo stop getting pitted against each other.

Sure, when the Sussexes were in the UK the "Fab Four" was "a thing". William and Kate. Harry and Meghan. A perfect (and even diverse!) couple of new generation members of the British monarchy.

But when that plan went and saw H&M pack up their stuff and move to Los Angeles, the comparisons made between the two continued and will continue, unabated.

The Princess of Wales and her family at Trooping the Colour.
Princess Catherine made her triumphant return to public life at Trooping the Colour last weekend. Photo: Getty

It seems an eternity now since the Sussexes called the UK home, with Meghan having been together and living with husband Harry longer in the US than they were together in the UK, when they met in the middle of 2016.

That makes it even more pertinent that the pair shouldn’t continue to be compared when they are both living totally opposite lives.

Knowing that comparisons were always going to be made, it would have been classier to prolong Meghan’s new product release — dog treats which are a part of her American Riviera Orchard collection — when it came so close to Trooping the Colour.

But is it really that these women are competitors or has society and the media made them into competitors? Particularly now, as Kate continues her cancer treatment, is it fair to continue to focus on seemingly petty stuff?

The evidence that the Sussexes want to compete with Prince William and Kate is fairly slim. To me it seems both couples are just going on with heir lives independently of each other.

Meghan and Harry speak to a crowd.
The Sussexes going on with their own lives. Photo: Getty

Kate has been seen as preparing for her future role as queen consort, while Meghan did bring a differing perspective and background to the family.

Sure, the media capitalises on their perceived differences to create "engaging" stories, including comparisons of their fashion choices, public appearances and personal backgrounds, but it is time to give it a rest.

We know Kate and Meghan come from different cultural and professional backgrounds: Kate the Brit had a more traditional path to royalty, while Meghan is American, biracial, and had a career as an actress. Could the pair be any more different?


These constant comparisons are obviously intrusive and who really knows what impact it has on their mental health and personal lives.

Instead of comparisons, the focus could shift to their individual contributions and achievements, highlighting their charitable work, advocacy, and public service, which would give punters a more positive narrative. Ha! I know, I know, again I’m dreaming.

By encouraging a more respectful and nuanced discussion about their roles, there could be a healthier public discourse, avoiding sensationalism and fostering understanding.

And wouldn't that be a refreshing change?

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