My Lungs Are Physically Sore From Laughing At These 17 Hilarious Reactions To Americans (Temporarily) Being Banned From TikTok

So last weekend, TikTok was inaccessible to American users for about 12 hours after being (temporarily) banned, and Americans completely lost it.

Message stating TikTok is banned in the U.S., with a claim that President Trump aims to reinstate it once in office. Options: "Learn more" and "Close app."

The ban was short-lived, but during that time, non-American TikTok users had a loooooot to say about us leaving. Here are the funniest comments people left:

1."Never realized how loud they were"

Screenshot of a comment saying, "Never realized how loud they were," with 125.3K likes

2."And the crowd is.... banned?"

Comment with a dog's face saying, "And the crowd is..... banned?" Liked 106.1K times, posted 2 days ago
@chrrymoonz / Via

3."Finally we can talk about our height in cm"

Comment: "Finally we can talk about our height in cm" with 7,488 likes

4."It's like we just witnessed a whole colony wipeout"

Comment that reads, "It's like we just witnessed a whole colony wipeout," followed by a crying emoji. The comment has 11.9K likes


Comment with Garfield icon saying, "It feels like all the loud kids stayed home from school." 26.5K likes

6."The air... is different..."

Social media comment by Jasmine: "The air... is different..." with 249.7K likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

7."It feels like thanos just snapped his fingers"

Comment by jan.murai: "It feels like Thanos just snapped his fingers," with prayer and crying emojis, 2 days ago, 110.1K likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

8."Notice how everyone in the comments knows geography"

Comment on social media: "Notice how everyone in the comments knows geography" with 189.9K likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

9."having to go to rednote to see them makes me feel like a child of divorce visiting their dad on the weekends"

Comment about feeling like a child of divorce when going to "rednote" to see someone, with 3,340 likes and over 10,000 comments

10."can we use celsius and kilometers now"

A comment reads: "can we use celsius and kilometers now" with 74.6K likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

11."But what's a court without its jester"

Comment reads: "But what's a court without its jester" followed by a crying emoji

12."it's like they taught us their language and disappeared"

Comment saying, "it's like they taught us their language and disappeared," with 6,474 likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

13."it literally feels like the backrooms"

Comment by user "hannah": "it literally feels like the backrooms” with 1,154 likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

14."It feels like all the guests left and you can finally relax"

A comment by Haley says, "It feels like all the guests left and you can finally relax." Received 438 likes and was posted 1 day ago
@chrrymoonz / Via

15."I'm 175cm, I weight 71kg, and there's like 20 C outside"

Comment reads: "yuri :) I'm 175cm, I weight 71kg, and there's like 20 C° outside :D" with 57.1K likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

16."It feels like we are talking behind their back..."

Comment by Noah: "It feels like we are talking behind their backs.." 155.9K likes
@chrrymoonz / Via

17.And finally, "it feels like we survived some apocalypse"

Social media comment: "It feels like we survived some apocalypse" with skull and crying emojis. 8,397 likes and a thumbs-down icon visible

Non-Americans, what was it like while we were gone? Let us know in the comments.