"It's The Only Movie I Absolutely Refuse To Watch Ever Again": People Are Revealing The Scariest Horror Movie They've Seen That Gave Them Terrible Nightmares

Since it's the beginning of October, I thought it would be helpful to share what people believe to be some of the scariest movies ever created, just in case you're looking to have a frightful night in this month. Some of the top answers from a Reddit thread are below.

1.The Ring when I was 9 or 10, that was scary."

2."The Descent. Horrible monsters mixed with darkness and claustrophobia make a scary movie."

3."Hereditary is the only one to scare me as an adult."

4.The Orphanage. It was so fucking sad because, theoretically, it’s something that could happen, and my anxiety caused me to spiral for months over it. I had nightmares daily about losing family members."

5."There are definitely better movies, but Sinister has always scared the shit out of me. It took me two tries to watch it. It’s the only movie I’ve ever turned off from being so scared."

6."This will sound silly, but Ernest Scared Stupid really scared me when I was a little kid."

7."The Thing. My first viewing was at night, and I was maybe five or six. It scared me so bad I only watched subsequent viewings during the day until I matured a little more."

8."The Grudge. I don't know why, but this fucking thing is so scary. I had to pause it. I never had this before. Even the worst splatter is nothing for me, but this... No."

9."The Road. No horror movie prior to that has ever kept me up at night or made me think about 'what if,' especially as a father."

10."The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I kept waking up at 3 a.m. on the money for weeks afterward. It didn’t help that I found and listened to the original tape-recorded material of her speaking fluidly in different languages while being exorcised."

11."Threads (1984)."

12."I really liked It Follows just because it was such a simple idea and required little to no special effects to be genuinely creepy."

13."The Shining. I am not a big fan of scary movies, and it was the first one I had ever watched. It fucking TERRIFIED me. I got so freaked out toward the end I didn’t even finish it."

14."Misery. My knees were wobbling when I walked out of the theatre. No more Stephen King for me."

15."The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is still the most terrifying and horrifically uncomfortable film I’ve ever seen. Although there is virtually no blood in it, the cinematography and atmosphere create pure horror."


17."I have to say Paranormal Activity. I remember when we were in the theaters, people were crying by the end of it (they were so scared). I was scared, too, not gonna lie. That movie was special."

18."The Exorcist: Director's Cut."

19."The Strangers."

20."The Mothman Prophecies scared the shit out of me as a kid. It was such a well-made psychological horror film. I gotta rewatch it sometime soon. There was no real monster in it; it was more reflecting on the horrors of the mind and the specters of grief and trauma. It's similar to Hereditary in many ways, but that movie didn't scare me as much."

21."Martyrs. I will never forget that film."

Tell us the scariest movie you have ever seen and why in the comments below.