75 Jay Shetty Quotes About Life, Love and Wisdom

Are you looking for ways to sprinkle a little wisdom into your life? Then you’ll love Jay Shetty! As a renowned podcast host and author, he has captivated audiences worldwide with his insight and motivational teachings, including celebs like Tom Holland, Selena Gomez and Kendall Jenner. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or a fresh perspective on relatable topics, Jay Shetty's quotes are sure to resonate with you.

Originally from London, Shetty spent three transformative years as a monk in India, immersing himself in ancient philosophy and spiritual practices. His profound journey and experience shine through in his work today and have helped him become a social media sensation.

Shetty is well known for his ability to distill complex ideas into simple, impactful messages that resonate with people from all walks of life. His quotes often revolve around themes of love, purpose and mindfulness, encouraging individuals to embrace their authentic selves and foster meaningful connections. Through his engaging storytelling and heartfelt reflections, Shetty offers practical advice that empowers others to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. His words serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect and appreciate the beauty in everyday moments.

Check out some of our favorite quotes from him, below. We rounded up 75 of them that cover all types of topics, so no matter what you’re going through, there’s one for you to connect with. Whether you’re seeking guidance in relationships, motivation for personal growth, or simply a little uplift on a tough day, these quotes are here to add some wisdom to your life. Dive in and discover insights to inspire you!

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75 Jay Shetty Quotes



1. “Never judge anyone, because you never know how their life is and what they go through.”

2. “Every act is either an act of love or a cry for love.”

3. “The challenge is we all want to be with someone who makes us happy when what we need to do is be someone who makes us happy.”



4. “Choose people who choose you.”

5. “When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. but when you learn a lot, you realize you know very little.”

6. “Spend more time with people who make you forget to look at your phone.”

7. “Don’t worry about rejections. All you need is one person to say yes.”

8. “You’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Don’t stress. Master the day. Make this a daily reminder.”

9. “Our fears are more numerous than our dangers, and we suffer more in our imagination than reality.”

10. “We put time limits on what we love, but we do what we don’t love for all of time.”

11. “The only way to build a meaningful life is to filter out that noise and look within. This is the first step to building your monk mind.”

12. “No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.”

13. “‘I wish’ is code for ‘I don’t want to do anything differently.’”


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14. “Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.”

15. “Self-love is how you feel about yourself when you are by yourself.”

16. “We say things to ourselves that we would never say to people we love.”

17. “Detachment is not that you own nothing, it’s that nothing owns you.”

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18. “You are who you are when no one is watching.”

19. “Turn your cant’s into cans and your dreams into plans.”

20. “Pick one thing to change, make it your number one priority, and see it through before you move on to the next.”

21. “The monkey mind is reactive, but the monk mind is proactive.”

22. “Your new life will cost you your old one. Remember it will be completely worth it.”

23. “If we think everyone is a reflection of ourselves, we fail to see things as they are. We see things as we are.”


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24. “You don’t know what you need in your life until you figure out who you are.”

25. “Stay around people who look more like your future than your past.”

26. “No matter how rich, talented or educated you to think you are, how you treat people says everything about you.”

27. “We need to learn to accept apologies that we never received.”

28. “Stop trying to find the right person; be the right person. Instead of being with someone who makes you happy, first be someone who makes you happy.”

29. “The fact that it was hard was an important part of the journey.”

30. “When your focus is a success, and you don’t get your break, it will break you. When your focus is service you’ll never need a break because there are so many opportunities.”


31. “So many people are together but not in Love. So many people are in Love but not together.”

32. “Often all that holds us back from achieving the impossible is the belief that it is impossible.”

33. “I really want you to recognize that if you’re taking care of your physical and mental health, you can take on any challenge.”

34. “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.”

35. “Love didn’t hurt you. Someone who doesn’t know to love hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.”

36. “We often expect too much of others when we don’t have a clear sense of their purpose in our lives.”

37. “When you are looking to be validated by others, you are living according to their values, not yours.”

38. “Your identity should be made by what you think you should be.”

39. “Yet in a world with so much information, we’re somehow still missing the wisdom of life.”


40. “The days you don’t want to are the days you really have to if you want to reach your goal.”

41. “Focus on your own strengths and what you have to offer. Don’t get lost in trying to become like someone else or pretending to be someone else.”

42. “At you best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person. At Your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right person.”

43. “Too many of us set these lofty goals but never break them down into the building blocks of how we are actually going to get there.”

44. “No matter how rich, talented or educated you think you are, how you treat people says everything about you.”

45. “The two things to remember are the bad we’ve done to others and the good others have done for us.”

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46. “When someone hurts you, it’s because they’re hurt. Their hurt is simply spilling over. They need help.”

47. “The next time you see someone that you think is successful, don’t focus on what they’re doing now. Focus on what they did to get there.”

48. “The biggest room in the world is the room for self-improvement.”

49. “We are meant to love people and use things, but today we use people and love things.”

50. “Any time I go through difficulty, I look to moments in history where people have endured the same pain, if not more extreme, and I analyze, absorb, and connect how they got through it.”

51. “When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.”

52. “Some people love you but don’t tell you. Some people tell you but don’t love you.”

53. “Letting go doesn’t mean wiping away negative thoughts, feelings, and ideas completely. The truth is that these thoughts will always arise—it is what we do with them that makes the difference.”

54. “If you could see how many good things are in store for you, you wouldn’t be worried.”

55. “You can’t be what you can’t see. If I never saw a monk, I would’ve never wanted to be a monk.”

56. “The best lesson I have learned in life came from the worst feeling I ever felt in life.”

57. “Rules and routines ease our cognitive burden so we have bandwidth for creativity.”

58. “Being happy for someone else’s success makes you happier. Go try it and stop being salty.”

59. “When you want to ‘put somebody in their place’, put yourself in their place first.”

60. “Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness.”

61. “The more you try and keep up with others’ opinions, the more you’ll fall behind.”

62. “When we switch tasks compulsively, it erodes our abilities to focus.”

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63. “We are meant to love people and use things but today we use people and love things.”

64. “There are five levels of growth – learn, experiment, perform, struggle, and thrive. We’re always in one of these five stages, and if you really want to experience growth, you can’t skip any.”

65. “Fear motivates us. Sometimes it motivates us toward what we want, but sometimes, if we aren’t careful, it limits us with what we think will keep us safe.”

66. “The challenge is that we ignore the ones who support us, support the ones who ignore us, love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones who love us.”

67. “Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones.”

68. “If you need to vent. then vent. If you need to complain, then complain. If you need to share how you feel, then do that. But recognize that those feelings are not permanent.”

69. “When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged, it’s up to you.”

70. “Never blame anyone if you got hurt by them because it was not their fault it was you who gave them the right to tear you apart.”

71. “I can use my awareness of my fear as a tool to help me make decisions that are truly in line with my values and purpose.”

72. “No matter what you think your values are, your actions tell the real story. What we do with our spare time shows what we value.”

73. “The best people to surround yourself with are the people that bring out the best in you.”

74. “Life and time are the best two teachers. Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches us the value of life.”

75. “Swap ‘Why is this happening to me?’ to ‘What is this trying to teach me?’ It will change everything.”

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