The Morning Show's Larry and Kylie in tears over X-rated joke: 'You're bad'

"This made my day... brilliant."

The Morning Show's Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies were left in tears on Thursday after an X-rated joke over a viral TikTok video.

The hosts were sharing the story of a Melbourne woman who was staying in Hamilton Island and accidentally left her window open, allowing cockatoos to wreak havoc in the room.

The Morning Show's Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies
The Morning Show's Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies were left in tears on Thursday over a hilarious X-rated joke. Photo: Seven

The woman's room was completely trashed and her bikini bottoms were even later found on the roof of the hotel car park.

"A couple of crazy cockatoos have run riot inside a Hamilton Island hotel room," Larry said of the TikTok. "The brazen birds left behind a trail of destruction after two holiday-goers left their balcony door open.


"The cockies pulled clothes from suitcases, rummaged through food and messed up all over the beds."

Kylie added, "The missing bikini bottoms were found a little later on the roof of an adjacent building."

"Wow," Larry responded.

Kylie then revealed that she has been to Hamilton Island and saw multiple signs telling guests not to leave their doors open because of the birds.

"Have you ever had a cockatoo in your hotel room?" Larry said jokingly.

"No... not... no never," Kylie said, seemingly unable to complete a sentence.

Both hosts began giggling and looked like they'd teared up.

"Never?" Larry questioned.


"You're really bad... not in a long time," Kylie said through laughter. "Anyway, they can cause such a mess."

Viewers thought it was hilarious, with one user saying, "This made my day... brilliant."

"You guys crack me up," another said.

"Just so good..." a third added.

"When @kyliegillies gets the giggles I get the giggles hahahaha, love you @kyliegillies," someone else said. "Just one question how do you put up with Larry when he is like this? Hahahaha."

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