Teacher divides internet with resurfaced bedtime chart

A teacher’s chart detailing what time children should go to bed at based on their age and wake up time has gone viral again.

The chart was originally shared in 2015, however this week, thousands more people commented on it on Wilson Elementary School’s Facebook page.

Back view of school children learning in the classroom. Focus in on foreground.
A teacher's chart has blown up again online, after it detailed what time kids should go to bed at. Photo: Getty Images

Teacher Stacy Karlsen, who teaches at the Wisconsin school, previously said that she wanted to share the helpful chart for parents of students at the school.

The chart is pretty simple to navigate. It shows the wake up time at the top and depending on what age the child is, it has recommended bedtimes at the bottom.



For example, a seven-year-old who wakes up at 6:45AM should be going to bed at 8PM.

Yolanda Jackson-Lewis, Wilson Elementary School principal told Fox6 in 2015: "We can tell who's well-rested and ready for their day and those who maybe didn't get enough sleep the night before.

“We`re just trying to get people to think 'is there something I should be doing to help my child?'"

Wilson Elementary bedtime chart
The chart was first shared in 2015 and has now gone viral again. Photo: Facebook/Wilson Elementary

However, the chart has caused some debate online, with many parents loving it and others calling out the strict routine.

“Another reason to homeschool, children are not robots, there’s no way my kids would go to sleep with the sun still up, no one should,” one person wrote.

“In a perfect world, yes. But not every child is the same nor can a lot of parents follow this because of lifestyle. For example I work 12 hour shifts, going by this chart I would only see my children on weekends for the first 6 years of their lives. It's unrealistic in today's society for a lot of people,” another said.


However, others agreed with the chart, with one person writing: “This is good advice. A teacher can see which children are too tired to focus in class. However, a doctor or nurse can’t see it.”

Another person wrote: “I think this is great. I understand it might not be realistic for every family but if your kids aren’t able to get this much sleep, I just hope you don’t blame their poor behaviour on them. Lack of sufficient sleep is the biggest reason for poor emotional control for kids.”

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