Couples Are Sharing The Weird Things They Do With Each Other That Might Give Some People The Ick
Last month, Reddit user u/tickysmith15 asked the AskReddit community, "What's the weird thing you and your significant other do together," and we shared some of the responses with you. Now, it's time for round two.
Here are a few more of the interesting things that were mentioned:
1.Taxi Takeover
"Without fail, if we're in the car together coming back home, the passenger will describe to the driver where the house is as if we're in a taxi. For example, 'Just after the lamp post, before the red van, please,' 'After the blue car, okay,' 'Yes, that's great, thanks.' Every time." —u/shgrizz2
2.Lick. Laugh. Love.
"GF and I randomly lick each other’s faces. Extra points for how prolonged and weird we can make it. Many giggles and awkward standoffs have occurred when we’re cuddling and suspect the other person is tempted to attack." —u/sqkypants
3.Battle Royale
"Me and my wife, while holding hands, one will squeeze the other's hand at a random time and yell, 'Battle.' We go into a hand-squeezing match. No one understands why or where it came from." —u/booyah_smoke
4.Fake It Till You Make It
"One of us randomly forces a fake laugh until the other joins in and keeps laughing loud and fake, until it eventually becomes a real laugh." —u/alldayieatsushi
5.The Fun Couple
"We always guess the price of our groceries while putting them on the belt and who ever wins gets to pick the treat we eat on the way home. We have a contest for who can say, 'I love you,' first in the morning. We send each other nudes once a day. We always mow the lawn together — he’ll mow, while I edge or poop scoop, or vice versa. We truly love our children, but on our weekly date nights, if we talk about them ( try hard not to because it’s just us time), we refer to them as 'the little assholes.'" —u/Formal_Reaction_1572
6.OTTERly Adorable
"We both love otters, and we try to find stones everywhere we go. We pick a favorite stone and place them in each other's pocket. Or we pick a stone whenever we are without each other, and as we reunite, we hand out a little stone with the saying, 'Found a cute stone for you.' Damn, I love this woman so much." —u/LtZsRalph
7.The Cat's Meow
"One of us will say something to one of the cats and the other will reply with something the cat might say." —u/BlizzPenguin
8.Take A Brow
"Eyebrow races! We stand nose-to-nose and wiggle our eyebrows up and down. The winner is determined by who can keep up the wiggling the longest." —u/wikigreenwood82
9.One Kiss Is All It Takes
"We play a game where one of us closes our eyes and says an inanimate object, animal, or thing (such as a paper clip or termite). and the other person has to recreate what a kiss from that thing would feel like." —u/flamingochair
10.EGGing Each Other On
"My wife and I created a game called Egg. The initiater lays face down on top of the other one, and they proceed to touch noses while counting down from three. After one, you both announce, 'EGG,' and wrestle until one of you is able to breathe directly into the ear of the other, with their mouth wide open." —u/zee_glass
11.Cute Confrontation
"If we walk past each other in the opposite direction, one of us will barge into the other and start shouting, 'Hey, I'm walkin' 'ere,' in a fake New York accent. We're both Welsh. No idea how it started, but we've been doing it for around seven years!." —u/Vorsa
12.Bathroom Behavior
"Not me, but my cousin — her and her bf often say, 'I'm going to think a bit,' instead of saying, 'I'm gonna take a shit.' Took me a while to realize, and I think that's pretty funny." —u/lolamalakk
13.Racial Divide
"Whenever my wife says white or black, I blurt out, 'That's racist.' She could say, 'Hand me the black controller,' — boom that's racist. I even do it in public and somehow she still likes me." —u/Im_too_old
14.Sing Your Heart Out
"My significant other and I have a dumb ritual where I'll make up ornate songs about my cats, then he'll start singing a verse, and I'll exclaim in shock, "Wait, YOU KNOW THE KITTEN SONG!?" This also happens in reverse: he'll sing a song about them, I'll sing some, and then he'll say it. I love him, lol." —u/NoLobster7957
15.In It To Win It
"We high-five when a couple breaks up, because we 'survived' them. We sometimes put our mouths together and make sounds that harmonize in a cool way. We sometimes burst out in song like in a musical film for completely mundane stuff. We talk to our plants and appliances a lot. She also reads me to sleep a few times a week and quizzes me the next day to see where I fell asleep in the story." —u/TehTacow
16.Bluetooth Buddies
"If we say something in unison, we bonk our heads together and say, 'Bluetooth connected.'" —u/thecakeistrue23
17.Boxer Battle
"I wear boxers to bed, and sometimes we will play a game where we are trying to take off the other person's boxers while keeping our own on. It sounds like it might lead to sexy time, but really it just leads to the two of us laughing our asses off bc it's a stupid game and we know it. We end up circling each other like sumo wrestlers, trying to keep our butts away from each other." —u/bigtallsunflowers
18.Dearest Dedications
"My husband and I write silly names in the 'to' and 'from' labels on birthday and Christmas presents. For example, 'To hubby bear from wifey bear,' or 'From the Beast to my Beauty.' Some of them are inside jokes too." —u/Belle0516
19.Lastly, Foot Fetish
"I had an old friend who I moved in with. Her and her boyfriend used to do those baby foot peels that make your feet peel like a snake shedding. They would sit there together, peeling her feet, saying, 'Ooh my god, this is a satisfying one,' 'Look at how long this one is,' 'Damn, it’s just coming right off.' They left it in a pile on the table or couch. It was weird." —u/Unbake_my_tart_
Well, some might find them strange, but I think they're all adorable.
Do you and your significant other do something that others might find odd? Let me know in the comments below!