21 Pricey Purchases Are Totally, Completely Worth It, According To People Who Bought Them
Recently, Reddit user u/Cool-Change7987 asked: "What seems too expensive but is really worth the price?"
Here are some of the top-voted responses:
1."A good shower head. Even if you rent, swapping out the default shower head for one that will help with low pressure is a life changer. Swap it back when you're moving out. When I was renting, money was tight but it is a necessary splurge."
2."If you fly, even occasionally, noise-canceling headphones are worth every penny. With just the noise canceling on without playing any music, it significantly softens most sounds. When you listen to music/videos/whatever with the noise canceling on, you can't hear anything else, even crying babies."
3."Good snow tires if you live where it snows 6+ months of the year."
4."Quality work shoes if your job requires you to be on your feet for long stretches of time."
5."A quality pillow will change your life."
6."A good mattress. I love my Tempurpedic mattress. It cost me about $4,500, but it was worth every penny."
7."Quality kitchen knives."
8."A good speaker."
9."Deep tissue massages every once in a while."
10."Real maple syrup is leaps and bounds better tasting than the flavored corn syrup replicas. It's not too expensive, but it costs more."
11."A good bra!"
12."Movers. Save your friends and spend some money."
13."A Costco membership. At first, it seemed silly to me to pay $60 a year to shop somewhere, but between the savings on gas, groceries, travel, appliances, and tires. Well worth it."
14."A good ergonomic chair if you sit all day."
15."Custom orthotics. Spent $300 since I have flat feet on some custom molded orthotics. Got them in 2016, and my podiatrist told me yesterday that they are still in good shape. My feet and ankles thank me eight years later."
16."Good luggage. Sure, you can get lucky with a bag from TJ Maxx or somewhere, but most likely, the zipper will break or a wheel will come off. I'd rather get a really good quality brand that lasts a good while."
17."My countertop dishwasher. I have a studio apartment with no dishwasher included, and the $400 was well spent on it not to have to hand wash dishes all the time."
18."If you have a cat, a Litter-Robot. I hate scooping litter more than anything. I hate the smell of cat pee, but I love my kitties. I was using premium litter in a normal litter box, but I was able to switch to a cheaper litter without increasing smells. Plus, I go through litter about 40% slower with the auto sifter. In four or five years, the litter robot should pay for itself in litter savings."
19."High-quality hand tools. Buy your Craftsman, Rigid, Proto, Channellock, and Klein tools, and you won't have to buy them again unless you lose them. Almost all of the nicer, expensive tools have lifetime warranties as well."
20."A good vacuum. When I moved into my new apartment, instead of buying some crappy generic one, which breaks after a couple of months, I bought a Hoover. It works way better, especially since I have cat hair everywhere."
21.And finally, "Travel. Seriously, the best thing you could ever spend your money on is seeing the world, different perspectives and cultures, and experiencing things you would otherwise never experience. It completely changes you as a person for the better."
What other products do you think are worth the purchase, no matter the cost? Let us know in the comments!
Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.