"I Could Not Believe I Had To Explain This To Her": 15 Times People Were Flabbergasted When A Conversation Took A Turn For The Worst

While we all have our "off days," sometimes people may not know how certain common things work. So when Reddit user u/BlueCaracal asked, "What couldn't you believe you had to explain to another adult?" Over 20,000 people provided their answers. Here's what they had to say below.

1."Why a room below sea level on a cruise ship would not have a balcony."

A large cruise ship sailing on the open ocean under a clear sky

2."That no matter how much you might want to put a camo pattern on your walls, you (not the paint) have to determine what that pattern looks like, and you will also have to purchase multiple cans of paint tinted differently because 'camo' doesn't come out of a can that way."



"Why didn't they just buy a wallpaper?"


"Tactical wallpaper."


3."My husband had to explain to a co-worker that she couldn’t take a train from the U.S. to Europe. She insisted she had to because she didn’t like flying."

A train travels across a long brick viaduct surrounded by lush greenery and trees with a background of a small, distant town under a partly cloudy sky

4."Volunteered in a charity shop. A lady came to the counter with a top and asked if I could look in the back for one of the same color but a larger size. I tried to explain we don't do that because we're a charity shop. She insisted that other shops, like H&M, have done that for her. She wouldn't take no for an answer. Eventually, I just went in the back for a few minutes, made a cup of tea for a co-worker, and came out saying we didn't have any. She got mad at that, too."



5."I had to explain to my mom that my daughter was growing in my uterus and not my stomach, so the hot sauce on my burrito wasn’t going to cause her skin burns. I also explained if she were growing in my stomach, my stomach would certainly cause way worse burns than hot sauce. It was then that I understood why the school nurse had to explain to me in 5th grade why I kept bleeding through my pants every month at school and not my mom."

Close-up of a pregnant person cradling their belly with both hands, wearing a light cardigan and a white top, no visible text or background details

6."North is not whichever way you’re facing!"


7."That you have to have a printer to print things at home. Tech support, and I wish I was lying."

A person reaches for a printed paper from a printer on a cluttered desk with a computer, books, glasses, and a plant nearby

8."Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and Italy is not a town in France. Same guy. My sister dated him for far too long."


9."When I worked at a doctor's clinic, I had a lady on the phone wanting to book an appointment to have her flu shot. She specifically asked it to be a telephone appointment. I could not believe that I had to explain to her that we could not inject her through the phone."

A healthcare worker administers a vaccine to a seated person who wears a sleeveless shirt
Junior Asiama / Getty Images/500px Prime

10."I worked in tech support for an internet provider a few years back. A woman calls in, complaining her wi-fi isn’t working. I go through the normal troubleshooting questions: what’s your device? How are you connected? And finally, 'What can you see on your screen?'


"Woman (W): It’s black

Me: How do you mean? Are you getting errors?

W: The whole screen is black.

Me: Have you turned the laptop on?

W: I can’t.

Me: …. Why not?

W: I’ve lost the charging cable.

Me: Ok, uh, do you have another device I can help you connect with? Maybe a tablet or your phone?

W: No, you need to get the laptop reconnected.

Me: …Can you go and buy another charging cable?

W: No, you need to send me one.

Me: We don’t supply them. Also, we didn’t supply you with your laptop. We just provide internet.

W: Yes, and now you’re not providing me internet, so you need to fix it.

This went on for 40 minutes, as my team around me stared in incoherent disbelief that this woman couldn’t understand why her internet provider couldn’t connect Wi-Fi to a computer without power.

I remember hanging up the phone and putting myself on break. My manager looked at me and told me to take a walk, barely hiding her unrestrained giggles."



"Having worked at an IT help desk, the first question we always asked was, 'Is your laptop, desktop, or printer powered on?' which usually made them mad. Many times, it was not on."


11."We cannot hold period blood in."

Person seated on a couch, wearing a sweater and jeans, with their arms crossed over their abdomen

12."It was at work. I had to explain that if they didn't do their job, me or the next shift had to do it."


13."When I was in culinary school, I had someone ask me if their water was boiling. It was bubbling. I said yes.

A pot of water boiling on a modern gas stove in a kitchen, surrounded by typical kitchen appliances and utensils
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

14."That you can still get pregnant with the woman on top. 'Gravity doesn't work like that!'"


15."Raw meat juices, especially those of chicken, should in no way come in contact with other foods. I learned this in 8th grade home economics when I was 13 years old. I had to explain to a 40-year-old that, no, you can't put grilled chicken back on an unwashed cutting board that still has raw chicken juices."

Raw chicken breasts and a knife on a wooden cutting board
Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images

Was there something specific you couldn't believe you had to explain to another adult? Tell us what happened in the comments below.