Magda Szubanski shares health update: 'I just keep trying'

"I’m far from perfect but I just keep trying."

Magda Szubanski has provided a surprising health update on social media — the 62-year-old actor is no longer pre-diabetic.

Taking to Instagram on Sunday to share a Gordon Ramsay-inspired breakfast, the Kath & Kim star revealed the results of recent blood tests.

Magda Szubanski has shared a surprising health update to her fans. Photo: Instagram/Magda Szubanski
Magda Szubanski has shared a surprising health update to her fans. Photo: Instagram/Magda Szubanski

“Have got my Hba1c out of pre-diabetes and back in the normal range,” she said in the video’s caption.

“I’m far from perfect but I just keep trying.”

Magda has been candid in the past about her chronic illnesses as well as her long struggle with emotional eating.

“Check out #magdasbignationalhealthcheck #magdashealthcheck on @abctv to find out how sugar is F**ING with us and why it is so hard to be healthy in Australia,” she said. “50 per cent of Aussies live with chronic illness. Let’s change that! One brekkie at a time!”

Many of the actress' fans shared their own healthy breakfast ideas as well as their support, with one user writing, "What a positive social influence this type of information is ❤️ thank you."


"Keep it up, please, we want you here for a very long time," another added.

"Woohoo, pre-diabetic signals gone. This is good news day," a third said.

In Magda’s Big National Health Check, the actor embarks on a personal journey to uncover what health looks like in Australia today.

In an episode from November, the star spoke about how she had sought relief from overwhelmingly negative feelings by binge eating.

Breaking into tears, Magda said she had struggled with “being able to forgive myself”.

“Because I know people are like, ‘Well, why has she done that to herself?’, and it’s like, I felt I had no choice,” she said.

“It was the only sane decision I could make given the alternatives that I faced, and then you become this f*cking shame magnet, and it’s like you’re not supposed to fight back.

“You’re not allowed to defend yourself, you’re supposed to just hang your head again in shame and say, ‘I’ve brought this upon myself’.”

Magda lost 30kg as the face of Jenny Craig between 2009 and 2011, later re-signing with the company in 2014 only to part ways once again six months later.


The star said she had been working to heal her relationship with her body and exercise

“I’m trying to find a way to frame this as not struggling or fighting but accepting resistance,” she said in a video posted to Instagram earlier this year.

Pre-diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are higher than normal, though not high enough to constitute a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

HbA1c is a blood test used to help diagnose type 2 diabetes and to monitor blood glucose control in diabetics.

With NCA Newswire.

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