'Brilliant' Kmart kitchen bin hack solves annoying problem

A woman’s incredibly clever solution to a common kitchen bin problem has gone viral online thanks to her ingenuity and a few bargain Kmart products.

Taking to a Kmart hacks Facebook group Emma revealed she had grown tired of her bins being on the floor in the kitchen as there was ‘no space’ for them, but in-cupboard bins often come with a hefty price tag, and that’s if you can find ones that fit.

Woman Standing In Kitchen Full Up Emptying Waste Bin
Kitchen bins can often cost a fair bit. Photo: Getty

“I snapped last week and cleaned out the only possible cupboard we have in the kitchen,” she wrote.

“It's less than 450mm wide and I've had trouble finding anything small enough or cheap enough to go in there.


“Kmart to the rescue.”

kmart bin hack
Emma shared her hack in a Facebook group. Photos: Supplied


Using two $12 bins and placing them into a $29 sliding organiser from the popular store, she created her own slide-out bins.

“My problem is solved. Saved myself around $100,” Emma concluded, telling Yahoo Lifestyle she was quoted up to $300.

Kmart chrome sink sliding organiser and flip top bin
She placed two Kmart bins in the sliding organiser. Photo: Kmart

With similar bin set up’s available elsewhere for over $90, the post understandably got over 2000 likes and received hundreds of comments from impressed shoppers who dubbed the idea ‘brilliant’ and ‘clever’.

“You rock!! Stealing this idea for sure,” one person commented.

“You win the Internet today!!!! Very clever and great idea!!! Well done. Thank you for sharing,” another said.


While a third person wrote: “I have the same issue and omg you have saved my day! Off to Kmart today.”

Kogan bins
A similar Kogan product worth $89 online. Photo: Kogan

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