People Are Convinced Anne Hathaway's 6-Second Appearance Was The Best Part Of The Super Bowl
Anne Hathaway graced our screens for approximately six seconds during the Super Bowl last night.
And those few seconds were enough to make the clip go super viral:
Anne Hathaway joyful at the #SuperBowl
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) February 10, 2025
"When I saw this at the bar, the entire place clapped and a guy shot his gun in the air," this person said.
"Had no idea the princess of genovia was a birds fan," another person said.
And this person made a good point, "they should keep the camera on Anne Hathaway the rest of the game."
From "I'd fight my grandmother for her"...
to... "my main motivation to root for the eagles is for anne hathaway's happiness."
Honestly, as this person said, "Maybe this country is still redeemable."
Because this seems to be THE highlight of the game, here are the funniest reactions to Anne's six-second cameo:
And lastly: