30 Times People Realized They Were Getting Older That Are Pretty Hilarious But Also Kind Of Concerning
Recently, Reddit user u/I_Like_SnooSnoo took to the popular "Ask Reddit" page to ask, "What is a clear sign you're getting older?" and the comments were a slap in the face. Here are some of the best:
1."When you're entering in your birth date online and you have to keep scrolling."
2."Take an accidental fall. If the people around you laugh, you’re still young. If they rush to help you up, you’re old."
3."There’s a bunch of little kids at concerts you go to."
"When those kids like your 'vintage' shirt.' It's not a vintage shirt."
4."When the yearly events feel like they happen every few months. Time flies."
5."You just hurt now. Work out too much? Sore. Sit around too much? Sore. Get enough sleep? Believe it or not, sore."
6."I realize how immature younger people are acting."
"More than that, when I look back on my own life within the last 10 to 15 years and realize how immature I was acting."
7."When staying in becomes the best part of the weekend."
"Wandering around the house in your underwear, looking out of the window, drinking water in complete silence — best weekends ever."
8."When you start thinking about investing in a good pair of orthopedic shoes."
9."You start noticing that doctors, dentists etc. are a lot younger than you."
"I recently met with a financial planner (another sign) and I had my IRA longer than the guy had been alive."
10."I don't know what skibidi means."
11."Regretting making plans (even date night)."
12."I once threw my back out wiping my ass."
13."When you make noises getting in and out of a seat. 😪🙃"
14."A noticeable increase in interest of birds."
15."When you think about the past more than the future..."
"Oh my man, I just came to this realization now with your comment. The moment nostalgia and memories occupy more headspace than your dreams is when you get old."
16."First, realizing there are people born after you who are old enough to be president of the USA now. Second, when I ran into someone on here who had never heard of Johnny Cash."
17."When you realize how few relatives and childhood friends you have left, and the number is declining at an accelerating rate."
18."Mortgage is done in a few months."
19."They used to only play oldies in the grocery store. Now it's the music I love... Oh."
20."Waking up very early and hating to wake up a little bit late because you’re 'losing time.'"
21."Having to turn the car radio down in order to see."
22."Agreeing with the parents in Disney movies."
23."All the 'sexy' celebrities look like children."
24."When you start getting excited about buying new kitchen appliances."
25."You can't read without reading glasses. :("
26."Going to the doctor more often than once every two years."
27."I was at a gathering last night where we were discussing who is our favorite physical therapist in town, because now we strain and twist up our shit all the time. Or we learn we’ve been standing wrong. It’s wild."
28."When you don't care or don't know about the latest trends."
29."The music you partied to in your 20s is starting to be used in prescription commercials."
Walt Disney Pictures
30.And finally: "When [you're] getting ready to go out at night and your priorities are dressing warm enough and [having] comfortable shoes."
If you have any examples I missed, feel free to share down below! Or, if you prefer, check out this anonymous Google Form. Your answer may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!
Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.