Farmer Wants A Wife's Joe reveals most 'challenging' moments on the show

Farmer Wants A Wife's Joe reveals most 'challenging' moments on the show.

Video transcript

JOE BOBBIN: Definitely the most challenging thing for me during the show was the sort of-- especially farewells. Farewells really got to me. I didn't really want to upset anyone. I didn't want to let anyone down [INAUDIBLE]. But you can't let your-- yeah, you don't want someone to know that they're going home, you know?

And it's really hard for me, especially-- I don't know how anyone else felt about it-- but to be able to still be reassuring, but knowing, deep down, that that person will be leaving tonight or tomorrow, whenever the farewell is. And yeah. I struggled with that a lot because, especially, a lot of the ladies, they want to know where they stand with you. You know? And so you sort of feel a little bit like you should mention that before. But it's just-- it doesn't work like that.