Bridgerton showrunner leaves fans severely disappointed with season 4 update: 'Get it together Netflix'

"Omg the actors will be in a senior centre by the time we get to it!"

Fans of Bridgerton have been left severely disappointed as the showrunner reveals when season four will be released. Photo: Netflix

Bridgerton fans have been seriously disappointed after showrunner Jess Brownell revealed when we can expect season four of the hit show. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Jess revealed fans will be waiting two years before we see what happens next to the Bridgerton family.

It comes after fans were forced to wait a month to stream part two of Bridgerton season three, which is out today.

It's unclear which Bridgerton sibling's story will be covered in the next season – will it be Benedict, or possibly Eloise?

Either way, you'll be waiting quite a while for any news about the next season it seems.


"I have almost slipped up a couple of times so keep asking, and maybe I’ll slip up," Jess told the publication when asked which Bridgerton sibling will be at the helm of season four. "I’m really excited about what we’re writing. We’re towards the end with the writers room season, with the scripts.

"And I feel like it’s some of my best work and my writers room’s best work. We’ve just really gelled our collaboration, and we’re firing on all cylinders so I can’t wait for fans to see what we have."

Bridgerton siblings
Which Bridgerton sibling will lead season four? Photo: Netflix

"We are working to try and put the seasons out more quickly, but they do take eight months to film and then they have to be edited, and then they have to be dubbed into every language," she added. "And the writing takes a very long time as well, so we’re kind of on a two-year pace, we’re trying to speed up but somewhere in that range."

Jess also adds that fans of one particular couple from the books will be "very, very happy" with the direction they choose to go in.

Fans were quick to share their thoughts on social media, with one Bridgerton fan writing, "This is too much you will lost everyone's attention if the wait is always that long."

"We ain't got such patience," another said, adding, "Two years is too long."

"Why does it take this show so long between seasons?" a third said. "Bigger shows turn s**t around in a year! Get it together Netflix!"

"It shouldn’t take two years to make eight episodes," someone else said.

"All the Bridgertons will be 40 by then," another joked.

"Sorry but 2 years for what?" one fan wrote. "It’s based books so the storyline is already there and it isn’t the same as something like Stranger Things that’s heavily reliant on special effects and CGI which takes a lot of time to create and edit. It’s like studios don’t want to get up and work!"

"Omg the actors will be in a senior centre by the time we get to it!" another wrote. "We used to have 22 to 24 42-minutes long episodes WEEKLY ffs! Why 2 years to make 8 episodes!"

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