Bride slammed for 'selfish' gift registry requests: 'Entitled brat'

A bride is being slammed after sharing her wedding registry on Facebook where she requested a number of expensive gifts.

The post was shared a number of times on Facebook with many users shocked by the gifts she was requesting.

A bride is being slammed after sharing her gift registry, revealing she was asking for a car and designer clothing among other things. Photo: Getty
A bride is being slammed after sharing her gift registry, revealing she was asking for a car and designer clothing among other things. Photo: Getty

Some of the gifts included designer handbags, home renovations, a new car and cash.

She shared the registry, which read:

  • Any KitchenMaid (sic) appliance over $US350, this does NOT mean kitchen items like an apron or a spatula. I’m talking about their stand mixer, blender etc.

  • Any Gucci or Louis Vuitton purses. Other purses are allowed but please consult me first.

  • Any clothes over $US400 from Calvin Klein, Moschino or Nora’s

  • New floor tiles for the entire house (I know this one is a bit of a stretch, but I’d gladly appreciate it)

  • A new car or a new trim for my car, or anything in relation to the care

  • $US400 or more gift cards to any of the following places: Fifth Sak's Avenue (sic), Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Calvin Klein, Gucci, Whole Foods, Sprouts, maybe even JC Penny. Other places are acceptable but please talk to me first.

  • Any Korean or Asian beauty products totalling $US400 or more.

  • Any HIGH-CLASS paintings or decorations totalling $US400 or more

  • A cash gift of $US400 or more

The gift registry drew a lot of criticism. Photo: Facebook
The gift registry drew a lot of criticism. Photo: Facebook

"This is a joke right? This HAS to be a joke," one Facebook user wrote.


"Can we get her soon to be husband some divorce papers?" another joked.

"'My wedding', 'Me a purse,' sounds like someone is using the wedding for her own personal gain! Hubby doesn't seem to have anything on the list," someone else pointed out.


"Since when are designer bags and clothing considered wedding gifts?" another added.

"I’d send a card and be done with it. Entitled brat," someone else wrote.

Many were shocked at the woman's "audacity" at requesting someone buy her a car or tile her whole home.


"The more someone insists they are high class, the lower class they are. Straight fact," one wrote.

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