Beth Stolarczyk defends quitting (again) on “The Challenge All Stars: Rivals ”and those cheating allegations

The 55-year-old apologizes to her partner Jonna Mannion for publicly alleging she cheated on her husband, but still claims Jonna "never took responsibility."

Paramount+ Beth Stolarczyk, 'The Challenge'


Beth Stolarczyk, 'The Challenge'

Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Challenge All Stars: Rivals episode 2, "Rivals on the Edge."

Beth Stolarczyk says she was "gone too soon" from The Challenge All Stars: Rivals, but she still delivered an entire season of drama before she and her partner Jonna Mannion were the first pair eliminated.

Arguably the team with the deepest rivalry, Beth and Jonna's issues stemmed from All Stars 3 when Beth alleged that Jonna cheated on her husband with her All Stars 2 partner MJ Garrett (both Jonna and MJ immediately denied that an affair of any kind happened). Jonna was shocked to learn that she would be partnered with Beth this season and barely held back her disdain for the woman who "tried to ruin [her] life" in the first two dailies, especially when Beth refused to attempt the heights challenge, automatically DQing their team.

When Faysal Shafaat and Amber Borzotra sent Beth and Jonna into the first elimination, they lost to Adam Larson and Steve Meinke and were sent home in Wednesday's episode. While Beth was optimistic in her final confessional, saying that they "made up" and are "friends now," Jonna ended her season by declaring she didn't ever want to see Beth again: "We're never going to be friends."


"Unfortunately I haven't seen the second episode yet," Beth tells EW. "It's one thing to live the show, but then when you go back and watch it, you see what everybody is saying in their confessionals. I'm excited to watch the episode to see what [she] was saying."

JONNE RORIZ/MTV Beth Stolarczyk and Jonna Mannion, 'The Challenge'


Beth Stolarczyk and Jonna Mannion, 'The Challenge'

Related: Nany González explains why she skipped The Challenge season 40 and returned for All Stars: Rivals instead

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Even in the first episode alone, it was clear that you and Jonna were never on the same page. You said that you were working together well in the challenges and that you repaired your relationship, but she said the opposite in her confessionals. Did you really think that was true in the moment?

BETH STOLARCZYK: Oh yeah, for sure. But see, this just shows her character and how she can't be trusted. She's not a trustworthy person at all, because as much as I didn't want her to be my partner, I made the best of it. I took responsibility for my actions, but she never took responsibility for her actions, instead wanting to blame me for her problems in her life, when really she needs to have a reality check and take responsibility for her actions. I was 100 percent honest, and I was going to try and be the best partner that I could be, but I can see that she's saying one thing to me and saying another thing to the camera.


How was it different in person?

Basically, I apologized to her, "Sorry for calling you out. I shouldn't have done that. I lost my cool. I just felt like you were a cheater during All Stars 3, and it was upsetting to me. I didn't understand why you couldn't try and just beat me without cheating and running around telling people that I'm a liar and blah, blah, blah." I was hoping that she was going to take responsibility for her side, and she never did. I felt like we had a lot of really great communication between the two of us, and we were sitting down with each other. We were trying to learn more about each other and how we work, what our strengths and weaknesses are, and we promised each other that we weren't going to go running around the house so we cannot be the first ones called out — which we were anyway!

We saw where your rivalry began on All Stars 3 — you made cheating allegations against her. Earlier in that episode, you were upset that you were sabotaged by her and others in one of the daily challenges. Is that where your problem with her began?

It started before then. When I first came into the house, Kellyanne came up to me and said, "I don't know if I can trust you, because Jonna told me that you were trying to get rid of me on an earlier Challenge." And I was like, "What? That's not true. She's saying that to try and divide us. Why is she trying to sour my game? I just got here and there's so many other girls that she should be worried about. Why is she targeting me?" And then when we did that challenge, she was targeting me, trying to get me eliminated first. So it was just building, and I was like, "You know what? You're a cheater, and I'm going to call you out on it."

When we did [the elimination] on All Stars 3, the lights went out for a half hour before the elimination, and MJ was coming down and telling her how she could beat me. There was steam coming out of my ears. The whole thing, it was just really icky, and yeah, I lost my cool. I'm not proud of it. I'm sorry that I lost my cool. Unlike a lot of people on The Challenge, I actually apologized. I was the bigger person, but at the same time, you are not going to make me your scapegoat. Because you are responsible for the problems in your life. Not me. You created those problems. I didn't create those problems.


Where did those cheating allegations come from? Is that something you saw or heard from someone else?

Well, I'm not the only person that heard it. That's what I will tell you. And I mean, also witnessing them, they've got their hands all over each other. Yeah, there were things that, even if it wasn't told to me and other people, you can see it. You're a married woman who goes on a reality show and acts like that. It's not appropriate. So yeah, I mean, if you're going to start messing with me, I lost my cool, and I'm going to call you out. It upset her, which is understandable. And I'm sorry that I did it. I shouldn't have. But it happened.

Paramount+ 'The Challenge All Stars: Rivals'


'The Challenge All Stars: Rivals'

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Jonna has said that you didn't try to apologize to her off the show, and you waited until this season. Did you try to apologize to her before now?

Actually I did try to reach out to her. I did feel bad about it, and I talked to Nehemiah about it, and he was supposedly going to put us together, but this was before any kind of Rivals season or anything. I just wanted to talk to her about it, but that never happened. So yeah, this was the first time that we did talk about it. This is a real rivalry going on here. She feels wronged. I feel wronged in a way. I meant my apology. If I wasn't really sorry, I wouldn't say it.


In your exit confessionals, you seemed to think you two patched things up. Jonna made it clear she did not feel the same. Where does your relationship stand today?

Look, I only wish her the best, but until she takes responsibility for her actions and [stops] blaming other people for her situation, she's not going to be happy. Until she's ready to look in the mirror and take responsibility for what she created ... She's a big girl. Take responsibility for your actions, work through your feelings, and maybe we can have somewhat of a relationship, but until she does that, we're not going to be able to have any type of relationship. I did my part — I could walk away from this Challenge Rivals and say I did everything I could to make it work out with this girl. But she is unwilling to do the work on her side.

How do you think this season compares to your past appearances?

I'm gone too soon. I would've loved to continue to compete. I hope I get another opportunity to compete on The Challenge or another show in the future. I'm still young — I'm only going to be 56 in two weeks.

Happy early birthday.

Thank you. I've still got the competition bug in me, and the odds might be against me, but I'm never going to give up. I'm just going to keep trying and hoping that someday I'm going to get to run that final. Maybe they'll team me up with a powerhouse or maybe it'll be like true old-school people, and I will make it to the end. I see it. It's on my vision board. I can smell it. I can taste it. It's there.

Well speaking of that, I've got to ask about the quitting. You quit the elimination against Jonna in All Stars 3. You quit the daily challenge in this episode. What's up with that?

With All Stars 3, as I was explaining to you earlier, I was super upset about MJ working with her and telling her how to beat me. The whole point of the elimination was you couldn't see where the other person was on the other side of the wall. Your goal was to knock the other person off. So if he and other people are telling her where I am, I mean, how am I going to win this? It was just stupid. So I blew up and I was like, well, "Forget it. I'm out. You guys are cheaters. If the only way you can beat me is to cheat, then take it. I'm not a cheater. You want to compete against me and not cheat, I'm there." I can't stand cheaters, so that's what happened.

JONNE RORIZ/MTV Beth Stolarczyk and Jonna Mannion, 'The Challenge'


Beth Stolarczyk and Jonna Mannion, 'The Challenge'

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And this week's episode?

It's no secret that extreme heights over cement, that's my kryptonite. And I'm not the only person that is afraid of heights. My name got called first to go, but I wasn't the only person that was afraid of doing it. There were many people that got as far as Jonna and I did. And also, I didn't trust Jonna. I knew I was going to let her do the math problem, and I was going to grab that key, and I was going to hold onto it because I knew if that key was unlocked, she was just going to run me right off the building, and I wasn't going to let her. That is not the way I was going to go down.

So yeah, I did not jump off the building. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone, but that's scary. And it's real. And I was crying because I wish I could do it. Also, really deep down, I did not trust my partner. I am a mom. I've got two kids, and I've got to worry about my health and my safety. That didn't feel like a safe place or a safe time for me to jump off of a high-rise building.

What do you want to say to all the critics who hate to see people quit on The Challenge?

I'm not perfect, and I'm afraid of heights, and I'm sorry. But I am not the only one. We'll see what happens next time, hopefully, if I get another opportunity to come back and play the game.

Did you get the call for season 40?

Unfortunately, season 40 just didn't work out for me. But All Stars 5 was right after season 40, so I'm happy that I got to do All Stars 5. It looked like they had a lot of fun on season 40, and I wish I could have been there.... Keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully there'll be an All Stars 6, so we'll see.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

The Challenge All Stars: Rivals, which moves from Paramount+ back to MTV, airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

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