Aldi employee reveals the most 'irritating' customer Special Buys habit

An Aldi employee has slammed customer behaviour during Special Buy sales, which are known to attract huge crowds all over the world.

Speaking to Insider, a number of Aldi employees listed the top things customers shouldn’t do when they are shopping at the popular German retail shop.

An Aldi store in Marsh Lane Bootle, Liverpool.
An Aldi employee has slammed customer behaviour during Special Buy sales. Photo: Getty Images

It turns out, one of the biggest issues of contentions for one staff member, who appears to be working in the US, was around Special Buys, where a number of items go on sale for a limited time only.


Referring to the Special Buys as Aldi Finds, which is a term used in Aldi US stores, the employee said customers fail to realise that many of the sale items are limited in stock.

"It's irritating when customers come in searching for a popular Aldi Finds item weeks after it was advertised," the employee called JK said.

"These items aren't restocked, but some customers still throw a fit or try to guilt-trip employees for not ordering enough."

A customer picks a bunch of Broccoli from the vegetable display at Aldi
The employee said customers fail to realise that many of the sale items are limited in stock. Photo: Getty Images

Another issue of contention for the employees was around customers letting their kids run around the shop unsupervised, where they tend to knock items off the shelves.

"Aldi is a great place for all ages, but employees will get annoyed if you allow your kids to make a mess in the store and don't clean up after them," an employee called Bronson said.

The employees also said there’s no point asking them to check if there’s more stock out the back because unless it’s out on the floor they don’t “have a secret stash in the back”.

In May, Aldi announced a huge change to its popular Special Buys sale by moving it online for a 'limited trial' that will 'test a range of products' over the coming months.

As for what the future products are, we'll just have to wait and see.

"We are constantly looking for ways to improve the experience for our customers and are very excited to be taking our first steps into e-commerce," Aldi Australia group director of customer interactions Simon Padovani said.

"Our limited initial online offer allows us to set the foundations for our future program."

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