50 Pictures That Prove The American Education System Is 100% Totally And Completely Doomed

1.On Honest Abe:

View of the Brayford Waterfront in Lincoln, United Kingdom, featuring boats on the canal, buildings along the shore, and an arch sculpture. Comment below: "So cool to see the UK naming things after American people and places ?"

2.On temperature:

A tweet from Nathan showing a world map marked with regions using Celsius (blue) and Fahrenheit (orange). Nathan's comment: "The blue ones are third world countries doesn't matter."

3.On the 4th of July:

One person asks if other countries celebrate the 4th of July and another responds asking why would they

4.On New Zealand:

Photo of Baldwin Street in Dunedin, NZ, known as the steepest street, with two people walking
Getty Images / Via Facebook

5.On size:

A screenshot of a social media exchange. One user states, "Texas is like twice the size of Europe alone." Another user replies, "fun fact: its not."

6.On measurements:

Summary of text: If metric is easier to follow than imperial, explain these conversions. It argues against metric simplicity by showing extra digits in metric conversions

7.On accents:

facebook conversation where someone says irish is the people of ireland and ireland is the accent

8.On the French language:

The image shows a social media screenshot with two comment exchanges joking about the French language

9.On protesting:

person who says America was not started by protesters and the other person says you are aware of the Boston Tea Party

10.On fridges:

Screenshot of a social media comment exchange with misconceptions about Germans and a retort questioning the commenter's intelligence

11.On Portugal:

Summarized text: A Q&A discussion satirizes typical online expert responses by suggesting drinking wine instead of water, reflecting a stereotype about Portugal

12.On Euros:

Question about currency use in Ireland, Scotland, France, and England, asking if US money is accepted or if Euros are needed

13.On the metric system:

Map of the world highlighting countries that don't use the metric system and Alaska is highlighted and a person responds that Alaska is not a country

14.Americans on Native Americans:

person who thinks Native Americans aren't Americans

15.On Scotland:

person who thinks Scotland is not a country

16.On Columbus:

person who says they're celebrating Columbus Day and the other person says how will you observe by getting lost in the spice aisle

17.On months:

Ultrasound image with a circled section resembling a figure, compared to a real figure on the right. Text and social media interface elements present

18.On NASA:

Commentary on a social media post about temperature systems with flags representing countries

19.And on fridges, again:

Reddit post asking about refrigerators in American and English homes, with a humorous reply about storing perishables in a hole

Good grief.


20.On flags:

person who thinks the liberian flag is the american flag

21.On spelling:

person who can't spell realize right

22.On the grand old flag:

person who says if you like Bernie go to Canada, and they use the flag of Liberia

23.On the Eiffel Tower:

person who thinks the eiffel tower was built in vegas

24.On clocks:

person who doesn't get 24 hour time

25.On Mount Everest:

"it's in South Dakota"

26.On dates of birth:

person who doesn't understand day month year format

27.On the Bible:

person who says Jesus is American

28.On mums:

Screenshot of social media comments discussing the correct spelling of 'mother'

29.On Texas:

Text messages debating Texas' location with green, pink, and blue speech bubbles, with translation options

30.On Celsius:

person arguing against Celsius

31.On guns:

person who argues about gun control with someone from Panama

32.On the American educational system:

Person says "Here in the United States we are just a little bit more advanced than the rest," with response: 34% of your children think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, so there is that lol"

33.On English:

person who says english is an american language

34.On Denmark:

person who doesn't realize other countries don't use english names

35.On gold and diamonds:

The image shows a screenshot of a social media post asking for tips on how to buy gold in Dubai and whether the price is fixed. There are comments below, one asking what "AED" means

36.On nationality:

"I just know it sound like maracas when you move ya head" responding to, "I'm bugging up but baby if I was born in America and my grandparents were born in America, what is our nationality??"

37.On the metric system:

"Maybe we should have the metric system from every other country switch to the US imperial system? I don't feel like relearning anything" and "When 193 countries use one and 2 use another, they'd probably tell us we should be the ones changing ours"

38.On mothers:

"If you say mum you don't deserve to speak English all I'm saying it's MOM with an O" and "You know that British people exist, right?"

39.On Canadian currency:

"Is that real money or face — or is this in a foreign country, not USA" and response: "I'm north of you in Canada; this is real" and "It literally says Canada on the bills"

40.On presidents:

"Which president (or anyone) would be the best president for our country?" "That country being?" "North America," "That's a continent"

41.On the US dollar:

"most countries in the world accept USD since they have the most value," "Come to Europe and try to pay somewhere with dollar [laugh-cry emoji]"

42.On Georgia:

"They found a humanoid tooth in Georgia (country not the state) that's 1.8 million years old," response: "Georgia is a state not a country (United States is a country)"

43.On Greeks:

"As a greek i can say that even tho we learn mythology at school she was never mentioned in the books because they didn't want her to overshadow zeus," "WHOA GREEKS STILL EXIST THAT'S SOOO COOOOOOOOLLLLLL"

44.On accents:

post reading Americans don't have accents

45.On Rome:

tweet of someone asking if there's a Rome in Italy

46.On Spain:

"Spanish and Dutch are Europeans," "Dutch is, Spanish isn't," "Spain is in Europe," "Wrong again, it's in South America," "Oh boy, ok buddy"

47.On numerals:

Poll: Should schools in America teach Arabic numerals as part of their curriculum?" with 57% of respondents saying no, and after someone says "never," someone says, "except for the 800 years we've already been using them, you rotted blowpop"

48.On aluminum:

Facebook conversation about the pronunciation of "aluminum." One comment references its American origin and spelling. Another links to a historical discovery

49.On Australia:

Social media exchange: Person A sarcastically says Europeans couldn't find Oklahoma on a map of Oklahoma. Person B asks to name all the states of Australia. Person C admits they didn't know Australia had states

50.And on gas:

"For those of you NOT in the US, when you say how much gas you have left in your car, do you say 'I have only a quarter tank of gas left' or do you say 'I only have 6mm of gas left'?? I think I've proved which measurement system is the far superior one"

Uh...don't think so.
