50 Pictures That Prove The American Education System Is 100% Totally And Completely Doomed
1.On Honest Abe:
2.On temperature:
3.On the 4th of July:
4.On New Zealand:
5.On size:
6.On measurements:
7.On accents:
8.On the French language:
9.On protesting:
10.On fridges:
11.On Portugal:
12.On Euros:
13.On the metric system:
14.Americans on Native Americans:
15.On Scotland:
16.On Columbus:
17.On months:
18.On NASA:
19.And on fridges, again:
20.On flags:
21.On spelling:
22.On the grand old flag:
23.On the Eiffel Tower:
24.On clocks:
25.On Mount Everest:
26.On dates of birth:
27.On the Bible:
28.On mums:
29.On Texas:
30.On Celsius:
31.On guns:
32.On the American educational system:
33.On English:
34.On Denmark:
35.On gold and diamonds:
36.On nationality:
37.On the metric system:
38.On mothers:
39.On Canadian currency:
40.On presidents:
41.On the US dollar:
42.On Georgia:
43.On Greeks:
44.On accents:
45.On Rome:
46.On Spain:
47.On numerals:
48.On aluminum:
49.On Australia:
50.And on gas: