37 Photos Of People Learning Things In The Funniest Way Possible
Sometimes it feels like life is just one long lesson teaching us things again and again. Thankfully, not all of the things life teaches us are boring. In fact, some are PRETTY DAMN FUNNY!
So here are 37 hilarious lessons people learned by just living their lives:
1.These school girls learned there is a second purpose for traffic cones:
2.This worker at Fox learned that it's best to reread your work before putting graphics onscreen:
3.And this restaurant worker also learned the importance of proofreading:
4.This mom found these drawings by her 4-year-old and learned A) she should stop getting dressed in front of her kid, and B) it was time to shave:
5.This linguist learned how to say "Hi!" in Mandarin:
6.And this person learning English took a course that was VERY thorough:
7.This person learned in a very painful way what these wipes are — and aren't — for:
8.This guy is still learning how to get over his ex:
9.And this person learned that some fast-food workers are barely paying attention (I imagine they said something like, "Can I get burger with a coconut shake and some ranch?"):
10.This person learned how to perpendicular park, LOL:
11.This person learned firsthand the old saying, "Life will lead you exactly where you should be":
12.And this person learned why you should NEVER wash a wool sweater in hot water:
13.This traveler saw this sign and realized that some people urinate in cooler ways than the rest of us:
14.This kid learned that if you're going to forge a fake note from your teacher, you gotta make it look more real than this:
15.And the person who sent out this email is probably learning the same lesson:
16.This woman learned the hard way that lily pads aren't as strong as they look:
17.This fifth-grader learned how to write a three-paragraph letter in the funniest/laziest way possible:
18.And this third grader really, REALLY needs to learn their proverbs:
19.This person figured out the best way to get rid of your broken, old flatscreen TV (just bait some porch pirates):
20.This kid is learning — slowly, LOL — to control his emotions:
21.And this person learned it is a mistake to try to sneak out a fart near this indoor air quality monitor at their friend's house:
22.This middle-aged man learned that eventually mom — even 25 years later — will find your stash book (and not be happy!):
23.This grandpa had his kids over when he learned the hard way that his smart TV keeps a record of his previous searches:
24.And this pub made it their mission to teach octogenarians to read the fine print:
25.This grandma learned that "Merry Christmas" can be rearranged into something, shall we say, less festive:
26.This person learned firsthand the old chestnut, "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer":
27.And this person was walking through their park, learning about the local flora, when they stumbled upon this curious plant called a "lamp post":
28.This husband — upon discovering this pile — realized his wife is her workplace's official pen thief:
29.This middle-aged couple is going to learn that not ALL products should be bought in bulk (unless they are really, really, REALLY irregular):
30.And anyone who reads this will learn why men maybe shouldn't write advice columns:
31.The person responsible for this sign probably should learn some more math:
32.Anyone who read this sign learned the TRUTH:
33.And this sign-maker learned that different age groups need different messaging:
34.This person learned their dog is obsessed with carrots:
35.This person learned that a towel and some makeup were enough to anthropomorphize their washing machine:
36.This boss learned he should really lock his truck after this prank:
37.And lastly, this one will teach YOU something (it's wild how this actually works!):