31 Texts That Are So Funny You Won't Care If They're Real Or Not

Are some of the tweets in this post fake? Yeah, probably. But so what? Most of our lives are fake. We have fake friends, fake eyelashes, fake heights on our driver's license, you name it! So sit back, relax, and enjoy these texts that'll make you laugh and then go:

A man in a suit with a mustache looks doubtful, holding a pen up. Text reads: "I don't believe you."

1.Real or not, I'm thinking this text exchange has 100% happened before.

Text conversation about having a girlfriend includes a humorous and playful exchange with emojis
u/baddryg / Via reddit.com

2.Well played, sir. Well played.

Screenshot of a text conversation showing confusion over the term "happenin," leading to frustration and profanity
u/krisweeerd / Via reddit.com

3.I'd make my wife wait outside, too, in this situation.

Text message exchange: "I'm here. Forgot my keys, can you open please x," followed by a photo of a kitten on a socked foot. "You're joking right?"
u/Flawlesss_Evelyn / Via reddit.com

4.This li'l bro either has one hell of a friend (or dealer).

Text conversation mix-up where a mom replies humorously, thinking "need bud?" means "need what?" and receives an explanation about needing a friend
SpicyCherryyyLoverz_ / Via reddit.com

5.I can see no fault in the logic here.

Text conversation: One person claims to hunt aliens. The other doubts alien existence, leading to the response, "You're welcome," implying success
u/Affectionate_Mail864 / Via reddit.com

6.Wow, I guess I am eating healthy, too!

Text conversation joking about eating healthy with a photo of a slice of pizza described as "aged organic milk" and "tomato purée."
u/Enchantress_Scarlet / Via reddit.com

7.He really walked right into that one (almost like it was made up).

Text exchange humorously addresses staying cool by agreeing in arguments
u/baddievibekj / Via reddit.com

8.Be right back, going to go text this to my wife.

Text conversation with a sequence of blue speech bubbles forms a face with eyes, an ear, and lips as emojis
u/mister_god / Via reddit.com

9.These texts need a laugh track.

Text message exchange: Person coming out as gay, but mother is asking them to come out to the car. Lighthearted misunderstanding
u/MissSweeeet_ / Via reddit.com

10.😳 😳😳

Text conversation with a humorous misunderstanding about eating a date, where one person clarifies that a date is a fruit
u/sweet_princessxx / Via reddit.com

11.I don't know, this joke does feel like something a dad would drop.

Text conversation between a dad and Tina; dad urges her to call urgently, but she refuses
u/CurvyLovelyzPrincexx / Via reddit.com

12.Ladies, would this line work on you?

A humorous text exchange with playful innuendo about spending time together
u/ca5p3rGh05t / Via reddit.com

13.I see what he did there.

Text conversation summary: One person invites another over, but a misunderstanding occurs. They apologize and agree to talk on Tuesday
u/Petiteluluxoxo / Via reddit.com

14.Well, when you put it that way...

Text message exchange: "Dude, trust me, onions are the only food that make you cry." "Okay, so if I threw a watermelon at your face, you'd just smile and ask for more?"
u/PaigeBbyyx / Via reddit.com

15.Think before you reply, folks, LOL.

Text message exchange with a typo about electrocution; response of shock, then correction
u/Whole_Instance_4276 / Via reddit.com

16.This one may be fake, but it feels like the kind of exchange that happens a LOT between kids and parents/grandparents.

Text exchange about a mom questioning slang "mood af" and its inappropriate use in a gorilla video context
u/eliaaTM / Via reddit.com

17.Hey, look! It's the fakest (but still funny) one on the list.

Text conversation joke about an Uber driver inside a building with a car on the stairs. Person asks if the driver is outside, driver replies "Unfortunately no."
u/AvaButtercupBreeze / Via reddit.com

18.The real danger of marijuana.

Text exchange about hearing footsteps when high, revealing they are walking themselves. Humorous take on marijuana effects
u/GladiolusJasmin / Via reddit.com


A humorous text exchange where a mom refuses to pick up her child from a sleepover because the noisy kids are her siblings and their dad
u/KeyFlavor / Via reddit.com

20.Hey, how did one of my texts end up on here?

A text exchange showing a missed call and humorous reply: "You can" and "I didn't say I'd pick up."
u/hanguoyi / Via reddit.com

21.I don't care if you laugh at this one, but please, PLEASE admire that A+ kitty.

Image of a black and white cat wearing a tie. Text exchange below: "What's that fat cat doing" - "He has a job interview" - "He's hired"
u/heavnleee / Via reddit.com

22.In fairness to the Beatles, this was an unreleased track.

Text conversation joking about incorrect Beatles lyrics that suggest leaving a dog in a hot car, ending with negative sentiment towards the Beatles

And if you're thinking, "You serious, Clark?" the answer is: I am not!

u/x7plain / Via reddit.com

23.I'd make an exception, too.

Text message exchange about a no-pets lease exception due to a polite-looking frog photo
u/Beanconscriptog / Via reddit.com


Text message exchange joking about a store's "bottoms" section, humorously implying it’s designed specifically for someone
u/PlayfulDollGW / Via reddit.com

25.That's one bad granny, LOL.

Text message exchange where Grandma humorously asks for a sticker saying "I don't want to Netflix and flirt, I'm here to life alert and squirt."
u/annavvelle / Via reddit.com

26.This actually feels like a very authentic exchange in the modern dating world.

Text conversation: One person asks "How’s ur nite going?" The other replies with confusion, "my what", leading to "oh ok goodnight."
u/SkyGuardianOfTheSky / Via reddit.com

27.This one has some logic problems, but if you go with it, it's pretty funny.

Text conversation about leaving early, acknowledging drunkenness, and calling an Uber for a ride home
u/ekofut / Via reddit.com

28.Man, it's rough out there for a short king!

Text message exchange where one person jokes about needing to be over 6 feet tall to talk, while the other humorously pleads with "mom."
u/NinestheWonderDog / Via reddit.com

29.Actually, I could definitely see a husband sending this one (said as a husband myself).

Text message conversation where one person suggests something romantic, and the other replies about undone dishes
u/MrsMozely / Via reddit.com

30.In fairness, it does take WAY longer than five years to live down something like this.

A text message is seen over a planet Earth background, discussing an incident in a car from five years ago
u/AGayFrogg / Via reddit.com

31.And lastly, I really hope this one IS fake, because otherwise 🤦‍♀️.

Text exchange with a typo correction: "I just picked up the medication for my cat..." followed by "I hope it dies" then corrected to "does."
u/Zestyclose-Ad4058 / Via reddit.com

HT: r/GoodFakeTexts