Get Ready For A Chortle With These 19 Signs That Absolutely Nailed It This Week

I don't know about you, but I'm really feeling the need for some comical distraction before we head into next week. And thanks to the Reddit thread r/funnysigns, I got just that:

1.We've finally found the directions to hell! It looks like you can just walk right in:

A humorous sign showing a figure descending stairs. Below, an arrow points to a sign labeled "Hell," creating a comedic implication
u/Ok-Branch-4037 /

2.Whoever made this church sign deserves to bypass that hell sign and go directly to heaven:

A church sign reads: "May all your troubles be as short as your New Year's resolution."
u/Elleparker262 /

3.This funny but necessary stupidity sign deserves an award for "how to be bluntly creative":

Reserved parking sign with wheelchair symbol above a humorous sign reading, "Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere."
u/EnigmaticDaze /

4.And the mastermind behind this sign also deserves an award for creativity:

Humorous restroom signs with stylized men's and women's symbols, incorporating umbrellas and punctuation for a playful twist
u/bayern80 /

5.This wide-eyed reaction from this sign speaks for itself:

Sign for Wash 'N Go Car Wash and China King restaurant. Below, a funny marquee reads "Bottoms Blasted Here." Snow surrounds the area
u/homer8675309 /

6.This sign is comical because whoever made it is straight-up bullying you to plan for your death:

Billboard for McDonald Funeral Homes with an elderly woman wearing a summer hat and dress, humorously suggesting pre-planning funerals
u/Fuzzteam7 /

7.This sign is funny for obvious reasons:

A small metal gate with a sign: "This gate must remain locked at all times," set against a patchy, grassy yard
u/theseusptosis /

8.This one hurts my brain so much I can't help but laugh:

Road closed. Signs indicate no left turn, no right turn, and no U-turn. Stop sign in front, with a house and car visible in the background
u/Separate_Rhubarb_365 /

9.And this one is more gross than funny, but I found it necessary to include:

Sign on microwave reads: "Microwave is for food only! Please do not heat urine!"
u/CheopsII /

10.This sign could be the most accurate dad joke yet:

Sign with text: "Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular!"
u/RocketCat921 /

11.This sign that uses people and numbers interchangeably should hopefully give you a little chuckle:

Sign advises a bridge limit of 1-10 people. Exceeding leads to tipping. Figures illustrate safe and unsafe scenarios with a check and a cross
u/Wi1dlife /

12.A moment of silence for all the Beckys we know who deserve that front parking space:

A sign reads, "Becky's Parking Only. She's Been Here a While," humorously reserving a parking space
u/Ninetinypiglets /

13.This reminder shouldn't have to be a sign, but it sure is funny because it has to be:

Sign discouraging urination on bathroom floor, stating: "A small step forward, civilization a big step" with crossed-out image of man peeing
u/iEyeLighterLight /

14.CUM ON IN! This bookstore sign that I am hoping is all about sex education:

Store sign reads "CUM BOOKS" above an escalator inside a modern shopping mall
u/sleepyweepy27 /

15.And this large reservoir is hilariously (and grossly) somehow associated with the word "cum":

Large blue water tank marked "1250 CUM CAPACITY RESERVOIR, TANK NO-2, PHE DTE-2004" with a number "2" and trees in the foreground
u/Upper_Swimming3296 /

16.While we are on the dirty side of sign Reddit, why not throw this one in as well, LOL:

Dessert kiosk in a mall named "Nut Now" with signs featuring icons of a crepe, ice cream, and a hand with a soft serve cone
u/OasisBoyo /

17.I spoke too soon. WTF:

Sign advising against certain activity in showers, using a stick figure illustration for emphasis
u/Justabtdnoob /

18.This sign feels like a joke, but it appears to be an actual warning sign:

Sign humorously warns: "Children left unattended will be sold to the circus."
u/Charming_History7423 /

19.And, finally, a semen in lights sign totally looks better than just a SEMEN sign:

Clothing store interior with racks, plants, and a desk. A wall sign reads "SEMEN."
u/ewenmax /

Missed the last funniest signs post? Check it out here!