101 People Who Woke Up One Morning And Promptly Had The Most Painfully Awkward And Embarrassing Day In Human History

There are awkward moments and then there are painfully, excruciatingly, soul-crushingly awkward moments. Here are some of the latter:

1.The straw moment:

Screenshot of a tweet

2.The laptop moment:

Meme of a tweet by @loveclarke joking about accidentally appearing in a parent's work Zoom meeting

3.The lost luggage moment:

Tweet describing an event where someone threw a forgotten bag onto a train platform as the doors were closing, only to realize it was a bomb scare

4.The court moment:

person calling a judge "your majesty"
vidawggg / TikTok

5.The meow moment:

person who is meowing on Zoom and doesn't realize their mic is on

6.The medium meal moment:

person saying meep meep" instead of "medium meal"
palayeiscool / TikTok

7.The lizard moment:

Someone says hi to a lizard in the shower but someone in the neighboring shower answers

8.The cashier moment:

person saying "have grass" instead of "have a great day"
jamieprivaloff / TikTok

9.The barber moment:

tweet reading trying to forget the moment this afternoon when my barber asked are you having fun and i said yes but he was talking to his daughter who was filling in a coloring. book

10.The Subway moment:

tweet reading i once walked into subway asked for a "mootball feetlong"

11.The dressing room moment:

person who accidentally tries on someone else's coat at tj maxx

12.The grandpa moment:

text conversations where someone says i don't think my grandpa is going to make it and someone responds what is he making

13.The driving moment:

tumblr post reading my friend was driving and we were almost past our turnoff so i tried to say quick and fast at the same time and ended up screaming quack

14.The taste moment:

person asking "how does everybody taste" by mistake
rikariko12 / TikTok

15.The tripping moment:

facebook post reading accidentally tripped an old lady meant to say i'm so fucking sorry and are you ok what came out was are you fucking sorry

16.The cowboy moment:

tweet about someone wearing a cowboy hat and saying yeehaw

17.The lab moment:

tweet reading my lab partner said hi i'm christian and i said hi i'm muslim christian is his name

18.The pregnant moment:

pregnant person responding to someone asking "what are you having" with "chicken"
thekittenfits / TikTok

19.The market moment:

Tweet by Fiona Barton describing an odd encounter where she was followed and then chased in a supermarket, resulting in an awkward situation

20.The escalator moment:

Tweet describes a humorous situation where a boy's hand got trapped in a girl's mouth when he took off his jacket on an escalator, and she apologized

21.The 7/11 moment:

Tweet by LouBegaVEVO: A story about misunderstanding a cashier's suggestion, resulting in paying full price for drinks without a promo

22.The twins moment:

Tweet by Rachel Harper expressing surprise about finding out that two men she knows are identical twins

23.The baby moment:

Tweet: Person recounts awkwardly kissing a friend's baby on the cheek during breastfeeding without realizing

24.The winery moment:

Tweet from a user about a humorous experience at a winery where their spouse attempted wine tasting and choked, finding it horrifying

25.The nuts moment:

Tweet describes a humorous mix-up where the user mistook decorative stones for nuts at a bar

26.The ghost moment:

Twitter post by SketchesbyBoze recounting a story of seeing a ghost who turned out to be the twin of a deceased football player

27.The Disney moment:

The image shows letters on a table arranged to spell "WE ARE GOING TO DIE," a failed attempt at a surprise Disney World puzzle reveal

28.The biology moment:

Tweet by user 'asteriek' asking for help after answering 'submissive' to what's opposite of 'dominant' in biology class; tweet has viral engagement

29.The free sample moment:

Text post describing a humorous mistake where the user thought a box held by a man was free chicken samples

30.The sandwich moment:

Handwritten note that says, "Must lett Tom pick an" on a sandwich bag, with humorous commentary on figuring out its meaning

31.The muffin moment:

Tweet detailing a humorous story about a mom's friend unknowingly eating a bird's muffin piece and then replacing it

32.The dumpster moment:

tweet of someone saying "who's my litttle pee pee boy" to a cat while on Zoom

Do you have a little pee pee boy in your life? Send them this article!


33.The piano moment:

Tweet by Javier Acosta sharing humor about a friend lying on a resume, with a sarcastic follow-up tweet about piano-playing skills


Twitter: @shimz_afc

34.The sanitizer moment:

story of someone squirting hand sanitizer and saying "you're squirting over your pretty feet"

35.The classroom moment:

awkward moment of someone who is accidentally in gender studies class instead of math

36.The baby moment:

person on Zoom thinks someone is talking to their dog but they are talking to a child

37.The CVS moment:

awkward interaction at the CVS photo booth

38.The snipped moment:

person accidentally says "snipped in the butt" instead of "nipped in the bud"

39.The OTHER muffin moment:

Screenshot of a tweet

40.The chicken moment:

person thinks they are taking a free sample but are just taking someone's meal

41.The old friend moment:

person who yelled "hello old friend" to what they thought was an empty restroom

42.The vape moment:

Screenshot of a tweet by user 'huey' sharing a humorous anecdote about pretending their house is haunted after their mother saw smoke

43.The stall moment:

person in a toilet stall saying "come back with a warrant"
zootedcaaterpillarcrotch / TikTok

44.The test moment:

tweet reading "congratulated someone on a positive COVID test photo"

45.The chase moment:

person thinks they are being chased and it turns out they just stole a cart

46.The stomach moment:

person saying "mmm" instead of asking how food is
geepeachy / TikTok

47.The bud moment:

Screen capture of a humorous text exchange where someone offers 'bud' and receives a confused response from a parent

48.The calendar moment:

Screenshot of a social media post by Paul Jackbson with a text exchange about a work calendar event titled "get a chicken" causing scheduling conflict

49.The braille moment:

Question on online forum about communicating with blind people, with a realization that speaking works

50.The waiter moment:

tweet reading, "A water once told me a nice wine 'pairs' well with a certain food. I took a sip and said to the waiter, 'Wow you can really taste the pears.' My date literally facepalmed"

51.The scrumptious moment:

awkward convo of someone who thinks they are talking to their cat

52.The scale moment:

person using an animal scale by mistake
rebeccalynndezarn / TikTok

53.The crush moment:

Tweet by user @roxiqrorr sharing a personal story about writing a long love letter to a crush in 8th grade and reading it to him

54.The peach moment:

Frosted peach resembling a doughnut on a freezer shelf, captioned with a funny anecdote about a health inspection failure

55.The elevator moment:

A screenshot of a social media post where a user shares an embarrassing story about their parents in an elevator

56.The checkout moment:

Tweet by user, recalling time as cashier when an unrecognized Instagram celebrity expected special treatment, but was charged normally

57.The jeans moment:

Tweet recalling a childhood memory of accidentally grabbing a stranger's hand while wearing wheeled shoes in a Tesco store

58.The eye surgery moment:

Text from an Internet post about a person with blurry vision mistakenly having an awkward exchange with a mirror in a restaurant restroom

59.The baby moment:

Text meme expressing inappropriate reaction to a serious class discussion

60.The door moment:

person saying "you're a problem" instead of "not a problem"
theeallie / TikTok

61.The quiche moment:

Tumblr story about someone thinking quiche is pronounced "quicky "and them asking their GF for a quicky

62.The engagement moment:

Tweet by user Gauri sharing a story about mistakenly thinking a newly engaged man was flirting, only to learn he was just a photographer

63.The pleasure moment:

person saying "I pleasure myself" instead of "the pleasure was all mine"
dmbrooks / TikTok

64.The pregnancy moment:

person saying in class that the only way to not get pregnant is anal

65.The "be right back" moment:

person saying, "I won't be back" instead of "I'll be right back"
bridgetnjw / TikTok

66.The elevator moment:

tweet reading, "The elevator doors opened up and a guy walked in the elevator. It was just me and him in there and he said, 'I love you.' And I’m not rude so I said, “I love you too." He gave me a weird look and pointed at his Bluetooth."

67.The potato moment:

person getting asked for extra mashed potatoes and not knowing how to extra mash them
miss_caterina11 / TikTok

68.The reputation moment:

girl tries to embarrass someone by saying this boy likes you and it turns out they are dating

69.The creme moment:

tweet readiing my bf told me when he was 17 he worked in a posh hotel and at breakfast some bloke asked him “is this crème fraîche?” and he replied “yeah we don’t serve out of date food” and I can’t stop thinking about it

70.The Dick's moment:

tweet reading today, a woman came up to the register with 2 kayaks to buy. after ringing them up, i looked her dead in the eye and said “would you like these in a bag?”

71.The hamster moment:

tweet reading i saw a girl carrying a hamster so i asked if i could pet it but it was actually a muffin

72.The dentist moment:

tweet reading screaming just hugged my dentist thinking he was going in for one but really he was just taking off my dental bib. don't think i can ever recover from this

73.The phone bill moment:

ttweet showing a conversation with a verizon worker who thinks they are being flirted with

74.The customer moment:

tweet reading meant to say hold on for a second and give me a minute to a customer and it came out as hold me for a second

75.The soup moment:


76.The receipt moment:

tweet reading yesterday at target the cashier said your receipt is in the bag and i responded with you too so i've been dealing with that for the past 18 hours

77.The divorce moment:

tweet reading in college i went to a therapist for the first time and he asked me to tell him about my childhood. i got to and then my parents got divorced and he said and then your parents got a horse

78.The dressing room moment:

tumblr post reading today at work i let someone into a dressing room and they said thanks and half of me tried to say you're welcome and no problem and i ended up saying your problem

79.The exam moment:

snapchat of someone who thought their teacher wrote salsa on their exam but they wrote 59/59

80.The other library moment:

text reading i had to go to the library to pay a fee and i was practicing in the car between i have to pay a fine and i have to pay a fee and i walked in and firmly state i have to pee

81.The cone moment:

tumblr post reading I MEANT to say "oh crap, I left my phone in my car," but what I ALMOST said was “oh no, I left my cone in my phar," and damn, wouldn’t that have been embarrassing. but I caught myself. and what I ACTUALLY said was “Ah. my fart cone."

82.The Transportation Security Administration moment:

tweet reading i was at the airport and the tsa agent said scan your face down so i put my face on the scanner and waited

83.The red wine moment:

tweet reading When my sister in-law was a waitress in Canada, she was taking drink orders from a group of Americans. They each ordered a glass of red wine. She suggested they choose a LITRE instead. one man put up his hand and said - “I’ll be the leader.”

84.The vet moment:

tweet about a lady forgetting to bring her dog to the vet

85.The bread moment:

reddit comment reading i once saw a guy shake his dates hand when she reached over to grab some bread

86.The trash moment:

tumblr post about someone mistaking their friend for a trash can

87.The last date moment:

person asking someone what their worst first date was and they say this is

88.The funeral home moment:

person on a date whose date just tells them how they'd do they cadaever makeup

89.The deer moment:

person who ran into a deer walking while texting

90.The unfortunate autocorrect moment:

person who had grandpa's ashes autocorrect to grandpa's asscheeks

91.The café moment:

Tweet about a guy at a café who farts when he thinks the music is loud but realizes he's listening to music on his iPhone

92.The guitar moment:

Tweet about someone recalling how they unknowingly played guitar loudly on their patio while a neighbor was grieving a loved one

93.The bathroom moment:

Tweet about a woman opening a pad while in a bathroom stall in the men's bathroom by mistake and being told it sounds like she's eating snacks in there

94.The cropped moment:

YouTube comment about getting cropped out of a photo taken during a date

95.The server moment:

Person tweets that they need a job where they don't interact with people after they brought a bday table decoration to a table celebrating their dead dad's bday

96.The bank moment:

A person who works at a bank says to a lady who comes in with a $150,000 check that they'd like one of those, and the woman says "it's a life insurance check; I would rather have the person"

97.The dating moment:

Person who told a date they had to leave to catch the last subway runs into the person 15 minutes later while walking out of McDonald's eating a Big Mac

98.The pizza moment:

Facebook conversation in which a guy opens his pizza upside down and thinks it doesn't have any toppings because he was high AF

99.The password moment:

Tweet of a mom asking her son who he lost his virginity to because it's his security question

100.The Starbucks moment:

Tweet: "I blanked when i got to the counter at Starbucks and said 'vodka soda' and she said 'huh' and i said 'huh' until I remember I was there for coffee"

101.The therapist moment:

Screenshot of humorous text exchange about a psychiatry appointment, with the sender mistakenly replying with playful words