Woman recreates $400 artwork using $7 Bunnings item: 'Amazing'

Finding beautiful artwork can be both costly and difficult when it comes to getting your hands on exactly what you're looking for.

But one clever woman says she created her own version of a $400 piece of artwork using an old canvas and a $7 craft product from Bunnings.

Bunnings Warehouse apron
A woman has recreated an expensive piece of artwork using a $7 Bunnings item. Photo: Getty Images

And when it comes to creative budget Bunnings hacks, this is certainly one of the easiest to try,

Sharing her incredible creation to the Bunnings Mums Facebook page, the woman said that she made the piece of art using just three things.

“I just wanted to share my DIY Textured Canvas Art,” she shared on the page.

“I used Plaster of Paris, a sample pot of paint from Bunnings and an old canvas pic that was destined for the bin.

Bunnings DIY print
The woman's stunning artwork cost her next to nothing but looks just like an expensive version. Photo: Facebook.

“I loved the way it turned out. For reference, inspo pic is from an online store where the price starts at $400.”


Displaying her artwork on a shelf in her home surrounded by other decor items, the canvas could easily be mistaken for an expensive store-bought print.

"Yours looks better"

Comparing her piece to a $400 textured canvas from popular homewares store Temple and Webster, other members of the page couldn’t believe how much her creation looked like the expensive version.


Some even pointed out that they preferred her creation.

Bunnings DIY print
The woman detailed exactly how she did it on Facebook. Photo: Facebook

“Yours looks better than the $400 piece!” One person said.

“I LOVE that idea - looks fab!” Added another.

“Looks amazing!! Am planning the same pleased to see it will be worth the effort,” commented a third.

How she did it

Using the one-kilo bag of Plaster of Paris the crafty Bunnings shopper explained just how easy the process was.


“I painted after the piece was dry, I waited roughly 6hrs,” she said.

“I mixed the Plaster of Paris with water to create a paste then smeared that on using a spatula.

“The texture shape came from the spatula also. I created height in different areas by adding extra blobs here and there. Hope that helps.”

Bunnings DIY print
Bunnings DIY print

The woman went on to say that the inspiration artwork she found online ranged in price from $400 to $1000.

Meanwhile, others said they had successfully used the same method on everything from canvas to entire brick walls.

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