Older Adults, Tell Me The Items And Practices That You're Glad Went Out Of Style

I think most people could appreciate how far technology has come over the past two decades. While there are scores of younger people who can't necessarily remember the struggles of dial-up internet or coupon clipping, these are symbols of nostalgia for many.

Peter Griffin at a checkout counter holding a basket, with a giant chicken seen through the window behind him
Fox/TBS / Via youtube.com

I'm not saying that I miss those things, necessarily, but I do feel as though the struggles of having to disconnect from the internet to make a phone call make me infinitely more appreciative of having an iPhone, which allows me to both roam the internet and make calls simultaneously. Whodathunkit?

Pixel art of a globe with a phone icon, labeled "Dialup," symbolizing early internet connection
Bigmouse108 / Getty Images

In some cases, it's the small developments that feel the most significant. Like, we don't have to manually roll down our windows anymore.

Kevin Hart struggles with car window
TBS / Via youtube.com

On that note, music has never been more accessible. YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music allow us to listen to practically anything we want without having to physically go through a CD binder (although, I do miss skimming through liner notes).

Smartphone screen displaying various social media app icons, including Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn
Stockcam / Getty Images

To those in the BuzzFeed Community who can remember a time before the technological era went into overdrive, what's one common item or practice that you're happy that phased out over the years?


Do you recall a time when digital cameras were the cutting edge in technology and not an aesthetic trend for Instagram Carousel posts?

Bow Wow in a suit with a patterned red tie and pocket square, holding a camera on a press event red carpet
Chad Buchanan / Getty Images

How about GPS devices and physical maps? Are you glad that we've put those in the past?

Goofy sits in a car, looking at a large map that fills the front seats
Goofy sits in a car, looking at a large map that fills the front seats
Max Goof with a surprised expression sits in a car, holding a map. Desert landscape visible through the window
Max Goof with a surprised expression sits in a car, holding a map. Desert landscape visible through the window


I'm curious to hear from the BuzzFeed Community about the trends and items from the past that they are absolutely glad are no longer around. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below; your response might appear in an upcoming article. Otherwise, you could fill out this Google Form if you prefer to stay anonymous.