The Project: Carrie Bickmore's X-rated candle gag shocks

Carrie Bickmore has returned to The Project panel with gusto after her summer break, pushing boundaries with a very naughty joke that left her fellow panellists in stitches.

The journalist and Gold Logie winner was presenting a segment on one woman’s horrifying experience with Gwyneth Paltrow’s infamous ‘vagina scented candle’ on Tuesday night’s episode when she admitted to a very cheeky misunderstanding when she first came across the story.

Carrie Bickmore The Project X-rated comment vagina candle
Carrie shocked the panel with a very cheeky comment about the exploding vagina candle. Photo: Ten

“Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina candle is living up to its description of being, quote ‘beautifully unexpected”, Carrie said to introduce the story.

In the jaw-dropping tale, UK woman Jody Thompson won one of the bizarre candles in an online quiz, but when she went to light it, it exploded in a scene the woman described as an ‘inferno’.

It wasn’t just the harrowing vagina experience that shocked viewers, however. Carrie was left a little confused at what exactly the story entailed when she came across the headline.


“When I saw the headline, ‘vagina candle explodes’, I thought the outcome was more dire,” she joked, to guffaws from her co-hosts. “I’m relieved, that’s all I’m saying.”

Goop Gwyneth Paltrow Vagina candle explodes The Project cheeky comment
Goop's famous 'smells like my vagina' candle exploded in a UK woman's living room. Photo: Goop


Not to be outdone, funnyman Peter Helliar chimed in with his own rude response to the story.

“Luckily she didn’t burn her curtains,” he giggled, later telling Carrie: “You’ve been in a flap about this story all day.”

Pete Helliar jokes about exploding vagina candle
Pete Helliar couldn't help but add his two cents worth. Photo: Ten

Meanwhile, Jan Fran wondered what exactly the house would smell like now it had exploded vagina candle everywhere.

The raucous segment is far from the first time The Project panel has descended into naughty territory.

While Carrie and Waleed enjoyed a much-needed break, fill-in host Peter van Onselen managed to uphold their legacy of spicy antics.

The Project Peter Van Olensen S-bomb
Peter Van Onselen dropped a few naughty comments himself while filling in for the hosts. Photo: Ten

The journalist was left red-faced last week after he seemingly forgot he was hosting a live TV program and dropped an explicative on-air.


Discussing a recent study that suggested school children might benefit from limited screen time on school nights, the incredulous host had quite a strong reaction to Lisa Wilkinson’s report on the findings.

“If my kids are watching, that is bullsh*t,” the journalist said.

A visibly shocked Lisa tried to smooth over the hiccup, ignoring the S-bomb saying, “I second that!”

But co-host Claire Hooper wasn’t letting him off that easy.

“Well, certainly don’t let them watch The Project — the language is disgusting!” she dryly pointed out.

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