'Is that dangerous?': Sunrise slammed over Adele weight loss story

Sam and Kochie are coming under fire from Sunrise fans. Photo: Seven
Sam and Kochie are coming under fire from Sunrise fans. Photo: Seven

Sunrise is in hot water after a segment on Adele’s weight loss this morning sparked fury from fans.

Hosts Samatha Armytage and David Koch discussed the rumoured method the pop star used to slim down with a diet coach, and more than one phrase used rubbed viewers up the wrong way.

Discussing the rumoured ‘Sirtfood diet’ the star may have used, the conversation started to centre around the diet, and it’s implications for the singer.

“I’m not sure this sounds very healthy,” Sam said of the diet, before throwing it to a professional for opinion.

Adele's weight loss has sparked serious discussion. Photo: Instagram/kingarusin
Adele's weight loss has sparked serious discussion. Photo: Instagram/kingarusin

“Apparently she’s lost 45kg in a year, is that dangerous for a human?” Sam asked the diet coach featured, Samatha Jackson.


“To lose that amount of weight, what I do hope is that she hasn’t lost too much muscle there because if she has then her metabolic rate would be hitting the floor so as soon as she eats anything again... she’s going to be packing the kilos back on and it will probably bring some friends along with it,” was the coach’s response.

Sam then mentioned the singer’s divorce as a possible negative factor involved, before adding a disclaimer.

“She has been through a divorce that’s pretty stressful I imagine... I don’t like talking about women’s weight be whatever you want to be as long as she’s happy,” she finished off.

Fans ‘disappointed’ in Sunrise

Fans weren't thrilled with the show's take. Photo: Seven
Fans weren't thrilled with the show's take. Photo: Seven

The host’s statements about the singer and the experts take on the weight loss didn’t go over well with viewers, hundreds of whom took to Facebook to slam the segment.


“This wouldn’t happen to a male performer. Sunrise never fails to disappoint,” one onlooker wrote.

“God leave her alone, she can’t win...” another shared.

“People complain that she is overweight, now complain that’s she’s lost weight!!!! Go figure!!!” a frustrated individual wrote.

“I think you should leave her alone! She looks healthy to me,” another shared.

Samantha is an ambassador for Weight Watchers and has a loyal following online.

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