The Internet Is Trolling Target, And Yes, It's Because Of The DEI Controversy
Soon after Donald Trump took office, Target and other large companies decided to roll back their DEI initiatives. In response to the popular retailer's decision, people have decided to either boycott or stop shopping at Target stores altogether. And people on the internet are letting the retailer know how they feel by trolling Target in their social media comments.
They've swarmed several recent videos posted on Target's TikTok account and talked about how much they love their competitor Costco, who doubled down on its DEI initiatives. This video went viral with 2.2 million views, and the comments are out of control.
People completely dismissed the premise of the video to share their alternate shopping plans. "Heading to Costco, you need anything?" this person asked.
"Headed to Costco to diversify my spending," this person declared.
"So target is 5 minutes away & Costco's 30 min. The way my DEI is setup I'll be going to Costco's," this person shared.
"Coming to this comment section to see the spectacular sales that Costco is having," this person said.
"Watching this while eating a Costco hot dog," this person shared.
"I parked in the target parking lot today, to write out my Costco shopping list," this person said.
"I'd walk 10 miles to Costco before I drive a mile to Target. They never run out of inclusion over there," this person joked.
And some people just had straight-up smoke for Target. "The comment section got more visits then the stores," this person laughed.
"For a company named Target, you sure do miss, huh?" this person asked.
In a memo to Target employees, Kiera Fernandez, Target’s chief community impact and equity officer, said, "Many years of data, insights, listening and learning have been shaping this next chapter in our strategy... And as a retailer that serves millions of consumers every day, we understand the importance of staying in step with the evolving external landscape, now and in the future.”
What do you think? Does Target deserve all this internet trolling? Let us know in the comments.