15 Signs That Were So Funny They Stopped Me Dead In My Tracks And Nearly Gave Me A Heart Attack From Laughter

Welcome to another weekly roundup of Reddit's funniest signs. They're the best cure for making you forget about all the stress you had to deal with this week! Last week's was hilarious, and today's won't disappoint. Here we go:

1.This sign basically had the opposite effect...

Sign on a wall requesting to stop wiping boogers, noting there's toilet paper available nearby
Sign on a wall requesting to stop wiping boogers, noting there's toilet paper available nearby

Case in point:

Partial close-up of handwritten text showing "booo" and "wai" on paper
Partial close-up of handwritten text showing "booo" and "wai" on paper

2.This sign knows how to imply urgency when a baby blowout is coming:

Restroom sign with icons for men, women, and accessible/family facilities. Arrow points upward for direction
Restroom sign with icons for men, women, and accessible/family facilities. Arrow points upward for direction

3.This one that is just for shits and giggles:

A humorous sign in a forest reads, "Attention: Oh, Sorry Nevermind."
A humorous sign in a forest reads, "Attention: Oh, Sorry Nevermind."

4.Another sign to remind just how terrible people can be at peeing:

Humorous eye chart reads, "Pee in the bowl, not next to the bowl. Thank you."
Humorous eye chart reads, "Pee in the bowl, not next to the bowl. Thank you."

5.And this sign that serves as a good reminder:

Sign at El Arroyo restaurant reads: "If you see a toilet in your dream do not use it!!!"
Sign at El Arroyo restaurant reads: "If you see a toilet in your dream do not use it!!!"

6.This church sign...I have no words for:

Church sign reads: "Forgiveness is swallowing when you feel like spitting."
Church sign reads: "Forgiveness is swallowing when you feel like spitting."

7.This sign was made to mean business:

Car engine compartment with a permanent air filter labeled "PERMANENT AIR FILTER: Clean with K&N." Note above humorously warns not to replace it
Car engine compartment with a permanent air filter labeled "PERMANENT AIR FILTER: Clean with K&N." Note above humorously warns not to replace it

8.This punny one makes me believe the dentist was serving his best dad jokes for this:

Sign reads: "Dental Patient Parking Only. All Others Will Be Extracted" with a tooth icon
Sign reads: "Dental Patient Parking Only. All Others Will Be Extracted" with a tooth icon

9.I'll just leave this here without comment:

Parody street sign advises placing dog waste in the nearest Cybertruck as a humorous nod to responsible pet ownership
Parody street sign advises placing dog waste in the nearest Cybertruck as a humorous nod to responsible pet ownership

10.This sign many dog owners know all too well:

Sign reads: "Home is where the dog hair sticks to everything but the dog."
Sign reads: "Home is where the dog hair sticks to everything but the dog."

11.This restaurant made this sign of their bad Yelp review:

Sign on a building reads: "Home of warm beer, lousy food, grumpy owners."
Sign on a building reads: "Home of warm beer, lousy food, grumpy owners."

12.And this sign-maker made his own review of the client:

Brick wall with reversed text reading "Client from Hell" and a reflection of a white car and visible text "MACEDO WINERY."
Brick wall with reversed text reading "Client from Hell" and a reflection of a white car and visible text "MACEDO WINERY."

13.This contradictory sign that makes no sense:

Sign reading "Smoking allowed नहीं है. You must not smoke or you will be requested to leave" at Sutra The Lounge
Sign reading "Smoking allowed नहीं है. You must not smoke or you will be requested to leave" at Sutra The Lounge

14.This sign will leave you questioning your purchase:

Supermarket sign showing "Sale: Ground Bork, 80% lean, 20% fat, 2 lb, $3.50," shelves below stocked with packaged ground bork
Supermarket sign showing "Sale: Ground Bork, 80% lean, 20% fat, 2 lb, $3.50," shelves below stocked with packaged ground bork

15.And, lastly, this polite little grocery store sign just existing:

A sign in a store aisle reads "Please," attached to a pole, likely indicating instructions for customers or marking a queue area
A sign in a store aisle reads "Please," attached to a pole, likely indicating instructions for customers or marking a queue area

Which one made you LOL the most?! Let us know in the comments, and be sure to check back next week for another hilarious roundup!