Reason Justin Timberlake's DWI arrest is a win for Britney Spears

Justin Timberlake may finally be getting some comeuppance and it's about damn time, writes Shona Hendley.

Justin Timberlake has been arrested for driving while intoxicated in The Hamptons. Credit: Getty Images
Justin Timberlake has been arrested for driving while intoxicated in The Hamptons. Credit: Getty Images

Seeing the now widely shared mugshot of singer/actor/Britney Spears’s ex, Justin Timberlake as I scrolled the news this morning brought a smile to my face so large it resembled the Cheshire cat. Yes, judge me all you want but I was (and am still) unashamedly happy that Timberlake was arrested, and I didn’t even care what it was for.

But for clarity, Timberlake, 43, was arrested and charged with “Driving while intoxicated”, or DWI in the Hamptons, New York late last night (US time). Hilariously the arresting police officer was so young he had no idea who the star is…or was.

While not normally one to find joy in the misfortune of others, when it comes to Timberlake, it’s different and I must say, in my opinion at least, Justified. Based upon the many comments in response to the news though, it’s clear that I am not alone in feeling this way.


Because when it comes to sides in the Spears V Timberlake drama, unless you have been strung up like the marionette versions of J.T. and his mates from NSYNC in the Bye, Bye, Bye music video and sheltered from the news over the past year, you’d know about the allegations that underpin this — those Spears detailed in her autobiography.

But for those who don’t, firstly give it a read — it’s great, and secondly, Spears explained she and Justin fell pregnant, and that she decided to have an abortion, despite her wanting to keep the baby personally.

Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears were the
Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears were the "it" couple of the 00s - but Brit has since revealed that all was not as good as it seemed. Credit: Getty Images.

“If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it. And yet Justin was so sure that he didn’t want to be a father,” Britney wrote.

“To this day, it’s one of the most agonising things I have ever experienced in my life.”

This alone pulled on my heartstrings, but it was the realisation of knowing that she went through this while Timberlake allegedly dragged her under the bus in the aftermath, well that was the icing on the cake and firmly placed me on Team Britney.

Since their relationship ended Timberlake has taken many public swipes at his ex, including the infamous Cry Me a River music video where he used a Spears look-alike to suggest she cheated on him. He also allegedly referenced her drinking and mental health in a 2007 Brit Awards speech only two days before she famously shaved her head (revealing later this was due to a mental breakdown).

Justin appeared to shade Britney in the video for 'Cry Me a River'. Credit: Jive Records
Justin appeared to shade Britney in the video for 'Cry Me a River'. Credit: Jive Records

He said: “Stop drinking! You know who you are. I’m speaking to you. You are going to get sloppy. Ok! [magazine] is going to say something bad about you.”

Just...not cool.

Now, I know, “everyone is human”, and people make mistakes. I also am well aware that Timberlake did issue an apology (of sorts) and that this is the business of two people I have never met, not mine.

But poking fun at someone’s mental health, and dissing an ex when you also allegedly did the very same thing (yes, Spears says that Timberlake too was unfaithful) well, for me, that says a lot about a person.

While compelling, it is not the only reason why so many people aren't feeling waves of sadness or sympathy for Timberlake after his arrest. It is also his response to the officer when arrested, which let’s be honest, makes him look pretty obnoxious, and subsequently even more deserving of being brought down a peg or two.

Justin has dissed his ex in several ways and also seemingly made light of her mental health struggles. Credit: Getty Images.
Justin has dissed his ex in several ways and also seemingly made light of her mental health struggles. Credit: Getty Images.

According to Page Six: “Justin said under his breath, ‘This is going to ruin the tour,’ The cop replied, ‘What tour?’ Justin said, ‘The world tour.'”


Um, JT, I'm pretty sure you ruined the tour... the (alleged) several martinis you had prior to getting behind the wheel; driving erratically and your failure to stop at a stop sign (you know, your actions) that ruined the tour.

But when all is said and done, I’m just glad he is having his mug shot moment because as he said, or sang himself, what goes around… comes around.

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