People Who Won A Lifetime Supply Of Something Are Revealing What That's Actually Like, And It's Intriguing

Reddit user isitterrifying recently asked, "People who won a lifetime supply of a product, what did you win, how did you win it, and are you still receiving said product?" People filled the replies with their various stories of victory, and in some cases, it's not what you'd expect! Here's what people revealed:

1."My family received free Pizza Hut for life because they used our house for a commercial and some advertisements. It was awesome! We had it for around 12 years, but then they changed some executives and decided to revoke it. So, it wasn't for life, but it was still awesome to have it for that long. We would order like 10 pizzas for a party or something, and the delivery driver would always be so confused. They would look down at the receipt and say, 'It says you don't owe anything.' We would always tip very well since we didn't have to pay for pizza, so they still loved us."


2."Donuts. I get 365 donuts a year from a local donut shop in my hometown. I give them to a children's home, which in turn gives them to kids on their birthdays. It was a smart move by the donut shop because, in order to ensure everyone gets their fill, I pay to double the order and get them juice and milk. I won this 16 years ago, and they have always honored the prize."


A person holds a box of various decorated donuts, which include those with sprinkles, chocolate glaze, coconut shavings, powdered sugar, and jelly filling
Andrew Hetherington / Getty Images

3."I won a lifetime pass for a minigolf and go-cart place that was popular in my area in the '80s. It wasn't a random drawing but a prize for a contest to raise funds for a specific charity. They made a big deal about it. My picture was in the local paper. I got the pass, which was a business card-sized laminated paper with their branding, my name, a bar code, and 'irrevocable lifetime pass' on it. The first time I went to use it, they refused to let me in. I called the next day to speak with the manager, and he told me the whole thing was a publicity stunt and that I should feel good for having raised money for charity. I tried again and was denied access to the park."

"The third time I was denied entry, the card was confiscated, and I was 'lifetime banned.' Nobody cared — the paper that ran the article, the contest organizers, nobody. I couldn't help but smirk when that place went out of business, but they went out of business maybe 10 years ago, so I missed out on something like 30 years of using that pass. Of course, I respected their lifetime ban and was always open about my story and how I got banned for trying to use the lifetime pass they had given me. Nobody cared."


4."My friend won a lifetime supply of toilet paper. It started as a joke; he entered the contest just for fun, never expecting to win. But then the company called him up, and next thing we know, he's got a garage full of toilet paper. The funny part is, my friend is the last person who'd ever think about needing that much toilet paper. He's super organized and lives alone, so he's always been the type to buy in bulk and have a stockpile of essentials. Winning this contest was like hitting the jackpot for him. He got so much toilet paper that he gave it away to friends and family. For months, everyone knew they could call him up if they were running low. He even donated a bunch to local shelters, which was really cool. The supply lasted longer than he expected, but eventually, it ran out. It was a good run, though. He said it felt like a little bit of a burden had been lifted when he finally had to go out and buy toilet paper again."


A person is holding a large stack of toilet paper rolls, which covers most of their upper body and obscures their face
Grace Cary / Getty Images

5."Free coffee for life. The unfortunate part was that I was visiting from a different state. I thought the prize could be used at the same chain cafe I had back home, but it only applied to that specific location. So, I gave it to my friend's mom who lived there. They honored it until they closed down."


6."I won a trivia thing from a radio station in 2015. The prize was a lifetime supply of passes/movie candy from AMC theaters. They gave me a gift card-looking thing to show at AMC that allows up to $40 in snacks for free, plus admission. It's been almost 10 years, and this card still works. It has saved my butt so many times when I was struggling financially. I could go get dinner or sit in air conditioning for a few hours. I'm shocked it's still valid, but it's probably the best thing I've ever won."


People in a cinema, focusing on a hand reaching into a striped popcorn tub labeled "Popcorn."
Skynesher / Getty Images

7."Back in the '90s, my dad won a lifetime supply of WD-40. We had four huge boxes with 40 cans of WD-40 in each box. Here it is, 2024, and we still have a whole box left."


8."I once won McDonald's Happy Meals for a year in one of their Monopoly games (it's really once a week for a year). I was a teenager and thought it was hilarious: I thought I'd never use it. My mom thought it was awesome. Every week for a year, she went to McDonald's and ordered one Happy Meal. She said she got the funniest looks, but that was her lunch!"


McDonald's logo with large golden arches above a red sign featuring the brand name. Background is a clear blue sky
Mike Kemp / In Pictures via Getty Images

9."Pentel Pens. I won a writing contest 30 years ago. I got an engraved executive when I won, and I also get a 12-pack of EnerGels a year, two alloy barrels, and one Libretto. They usually send me a three-pack of any new pens or colors coming out, too. I've been to their headquarters and factory in Japan. I explained who I was and what I had won, which they verified with my order and shipping history. I got to take an in-depth tour with a Senior Executive Vice President and got sets of drafting pencils (GraphGear Sharps), unique Japanese pens, and an original 1962 Sign Pen."


10."One of my friends won a lifetime supply of dog food through a contest he entered on a whim. He was ecstatic at first (who wouldn't be?), but then his dog developed an allergy to the specific brand after a year or so. Now, he donates the bags he gets to the local animal shelter. So yeah, he's still getting it, but it's not being used as originally planned!"


Close-up image of a pile of uniform round pet food pellets
Grace Cary / Getty Images

11."I won a lifetime supply of Corn Nuts during a promo for their pepperoni pizza flavor. I assumed this meant I'd get a laminated card I could take to a convenience store, but no. I got six giant boxes of packs of Corn Nuts in various flavors (pepperoni pizza being the absolute worst). After a couple of weeks, I was giving Corn Nuts to anyone who would cross my path. I wondered how they came up with the appropriate number of boxes to be considered a 'lifetime supply.' I can say that after that experience, I never want to see another Corn Nut again, so I would consider it to be a lifetime supply."


12."I won a lifetime supply of chocolate, but it was handed to me all at once. I set up in the middle of town and offered every resident as much chocolate as they could eat. It was probably the biggest congregation of people in that (admittedly small) town's history. All the chocolate was gone by the end of the day."


Rows of assorted chocolates, including swirled, patterned, and square designs
Anna Kurzaeva / Getty Images

13."I had a coworker who won a year's supply of Cinnabon, which was basically a free Cinnabon every day for a year. She lasted about three months before she couldn't do it anymore and gave me the coupon. I had the coupon for a couple of weeks before we started sharing the coupon around the office. I think we all stopped after six months. It was just too much for any one person to handle."


14."I won a lifetime pass to Smugglers Cove minigolf by winning a monthly birthday drawing when I was a kid. It looked like a credit card. They sold the location to Pirates Cove minigolf, which did not honor my lifetime pass. Years later, Smugglers Cove returned to its original location, and when I tried to use the lifetime pass, they did not honor it. It turns out it wasn't valid for MY lifetime, but rather the length of ownership of the original Smugglers Cove minigolf course."


Close-up of a mini-golf hole with a green artificial turf and a red border
Sbenitez / Getty Images

15."I got lifetime oil changes from a car dealership promotion. They went out of business after two years."


16."I won a lifetime supply of jellybeans from Jelly Belly as a teenager. I could receive one delivery of a three-kilogram bag or three deliveries over a year of one one-kilogram bag. My mother forced me to choose the second option, so I didn't gorge myself."


Two hands holding a variety of colorful jelly beans above a bowl filled with more jelly beans
Michelle O'kane / Getty Images

17."I won a 'lifetime supply' of Milk Duds from a movie theater contest in the '90s. In the fine print, it said it was only for a year. I ate so many that I'm now disgusted by them."


18."My friend won a lifetime supply of pizza from a national chain. He received 25 coupon books — one for each year. Each contains 52 coupons for one free pizza. Each coupon is only valid for one week of the year."


Person in a white cap carrying a large stack of pizza boxes up a staircase
Halfdark / Getty Images/fStop

19."Not a lifetime, but I won 1,000 Pop-Tarts from their 'Pop it Forward' contest. They had a contest where you submitted what you would do with X amount of Pop-Tarts, and people would vote. There were 1,000, 10,000, and 1,000,000 as the categories. I submitted that I would make a dress from the wrappers. Thanks to all my friends, I won! I made the dress, which was on display at my college (I was a fashion major)."


20."I won a lifetime supply of Gillette razor blades, shaving cream, and aftershave while in college. I don't even know how I won. The shaving cream and aftershave were travel-size. They shipped 30 large boxes to my college while I lived in the dorms, and I couldn't even store them. I kept one box, which lasted me about five years. I gave some to friends and the rest to the university, and they gave them away as freshman packages the next year."


Close-up of various disposable razors and razor blade covers scattered on a light background
Bowonpat Sakaew / Getty Images

21."When I was young, my family won a lifetime supply of Dove soap (the moisturizing body soap). For the next 10 or so years, it was the only soap our family of four used for showers. We eventually ran out and joked about how they owed us more soap since we were still alive. We eventually ran out of jokes, too!"


22.And: "My friend won lifetime tickets for a rave-type festival. It included four VIP tickets, a limo ride to and from the event, and some spending money ($200, I think) for each year until…death? She went to it twice, became a mom, and moved across the county, so it's useless now. She can't even give away her tickets. They're only valid if she goes along."


Have you ever won a lifetime supply of something? What did you win? Tell us in the comments or share your story anonymously using this form.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.