"You Should Have Your Husband Take You To Get Laser Hair Removal! It Only Cost Me $10,000": 27 Rude And Out-Of-Touch Things That Rich People Said

A little while ago, Reddit user u/Always_Wandering_ posed the question, "What’s the most out-of-touch thing a rich person has said to you?" And there were so many frustrating responses! Here are some of the top-voted answers:

1."Long ago, when I was a server in a Country Club, I was very new to properly opening wine bottles. As I was using my key to take off the foil, I gashed the webbing on my hand badly. A husband and wife were at the table. I put down the bottle and was about to leave when he said, 'Who told you to stop pouring?!' I picked it up and poured the wine, dribbling blood all over the white tablecloth. Went outside, had a smoke, and thought about my life."


2."'Isn't it funny we are the same age, but my dad bought me a condo, and you have to work two jobs?'"


3."I was between jobs, and a bunch of my friends told me that I should take the time to go travel the world. A) Just because someone doesn't have a job doesn't mean they can just up and travel the world. In fact, the opposite is more likely. And B) You guys thought the reason I wasn't traveling the world was because I hadn't thought of it?"

A person takes a selfie while sitting on a ledge by the Eiffel Tower. They wear a light coat, white pants, and black shoes. The sky is partly cloudy

4."Built a $3 million house for a couple. We were talking after their neighbors built a home, and the wife said, 'That little house is so dinky. We have a joke going that we call it the help's house.' Now, this was still a $750k–1 million home, no less. Just struck me as not very grounded 🤣."


5."Some kid in his early twenties started working at the restaurant I was at, total trust fund baby. But his parents made him get a job, or they would cut him off (phone, car, apartment, school, credit card, everything). We were talking about plans for the summer, and I mentioned I was gonna take a weekend to head north and visit my mom. Someone else was going camping, and another guy was taking a long weekend to help his brother move. He said, 'You guys have no idea what vacation means, do you? I'm taking my girlfriend to Spain for two weeks and then spending a few days in Italy before we come back.'"

"He got real upset when I asked him where he was gonna work when he came back. Apparently, he didn't understand that taking three weeks of vacation not even two months into a job isn't a thing, especially when that was during our busiest season of the year. Even better was when we all looked at him and told him we couldn't even afford a week off, let alone in Spain. He didn't last long."


6."'I have no hair on my body! You should have your husband take you to get laser hair removal! It only cost me $10,000.' Maybe in my dreams. She was the mayor's daughter, and I was catering her dog's birthday party."

French bulldog wearing a party hat sits at a table, staring at a plate with a cake topped with peas. Birthday decorations are in the background
Gollykim / Getty Images

7."Me: 'Yeah, I love flying. I have a nice flight simulator setup at home. Wish I could do it for real.' Owner of the company: 'Yeah, the real thing is so much better. You should buy a plane. I love taking mine out for trips.' Me: 'You sign my checks.'"


8."I was working at a car dealership and saw the owner pull up in a $250k Porsche GT3. I told him how much I loved the car and dreamt of owning one someday. The owner looked at me confused and said, 'What do you mean? We sell them right here, you know?' Totally blew my mind that he didn't realize his employees couldn't afford the cars they were selling."


9."They lived in Boston, and we were talking about how small condos are there. They were lamenting that they had no space, and as a result, they had to buy another condo (this was in Beacon Hill) because they ran out of space to store their Persian rugs."

A cyclist in a white shirt rides down a quiet residential street lined with historic brownstone buildings
Peterspiro / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."My boss is an attorney. A client who was filling out her financial statement for a divorce realized that she had forgotten to include her student loans on the report. Laughing somewhat ruefully, she said, 'I can’t believe I forgot to include that.' And in a bright, sunny voice, my boss laughed and said, 'I sometimes forget that I own a boat!' The client and I quietly locked eyes with a shared understanding of how out of touch that was."


11."l worked for Medicaid. The bigwigs at the state government level had a 'poverty exercise' where they had to try to budget at the poverty level and live on it for three days. 'My, that was SO difficult!' No duh, pal. That whole idea pissed me off so bad."


12."'You've never been to Disney? Did your parents not love you or something?' Um, my parents were raising three kids, working two jobs on poverty wages."

Minnie Mouse in a polka-dot dress and Mickey Mouse in red shorts and yellow shoes stand happily in front of a castle at Disneyland
Handout / Getty Images

13."Boss: 'My wife and I decided that you and your wife should join us in the Caribbean. I'll pay for everything.' Me: 'We appreciate the offer, but we won't be able to afford it.' Boss: 'Why?' Me: 'I'd have to hire someone to watch the kids.' Boss: 'What? Surely your nanny can handle that!'"


14."I dated a rich guy who loved my authenticity, and he would pick me up in one of his dad's cool collector cars and take me to record stores. When I went to visit him, I showed up in my grandpa's old Ford F150 truck. He asked me why I drove around in that thing. I shrugged and said, 'Because I'm poor.' And he said, 'No, you're not.' It was like I ruined his whole hipster aesthetic, and he realized I wasn't grunge."


15."'How often do you go sailing?' Said by a guy who knew I was struggling financially."

Man in a checked suit reading a newspaper, standing on a dock beside a wooden boat
Danielkrol / Getty Images

16."I met a guy on a backpacking trip who said he couldn't understand why all these backpackers stayed in hostels when there were so many hotels around. I pointed out that most of us had budgets, and hostels were cheaper. The thought had just never occurred to him that we couldn't all afford that. Same thing with restaurants. He just never considered that nicer places weren't in everyone's budget."


17."I was venting to a schoolmate about not being able to have a car. She said, 'Why don’t you just ask your mom?' It literally broke my brain. Like yeah, why didn’t I think of that?"


18."I live in southern Spain, and here it’s so hot during the summer months that you can’t even get out of your house 'til 9–10 p.m. A lot of people (including me) can’t even afford air conditioners in their houses, and they just survive the hot temperatures inside, usually spending the days sweaty and tired. A friend of mine lives in a huge house with many rooms and an air conditioning machine in each one of them. A few days ago, he started complaining about how tired he was from having to take such a long walk at night to turn off all the air conditioners in the house. That day, I'd had to take four showers to feel just a bit refreshed."

A beautifully manicured garden with ornate topiary surrounds a fountain in front of an elaborate building with balconies, arches, and a clock tower
Jeremy Woodhouse / Getty Images

19."'You're just letting money stop you.' Yes, it does that."


20."I worked for a very wealthy lady. Her son graduated college, and she put him to work answering phones. She also bought him a car. 'Can you believe it? I told her I wanted a blue car.' She didn't get him a blue car, so he asked her to paint it. She refused. I could see his naivete as he spoke since he truly thought this was something I could relate to. Sorry kiddo, I had to work at Chuck E. Cheese as a teenager to afford a piece of crap that overheated if I drove for longer than 20 minutes."


21.And finally, "My dad, a boomer who has lived an absolutely charmed financial life, tells me every time we talk, 'You should invest in real estate!' Great idea, dad, let me take this $0.36 I have to my name and buy a house with it. I don't know why more people don't do this."

A man with a gray beard and pulled-back hair, wearing a ribbed turtleneck sweater, stands outside a house and looks off into the distance with a thoughtful expression
Momo Productions / Getty Images

Has a rich person said anything super out-of-touch to you? LMK in the comments below or share anonymously here.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.