People Have A Whole Lot To Say About The Village People Performing At Trump's Inauguration
Yesterday, Carrie Underwood and Lee Greenwood (the "God Bless the U.S.A." guy) were announced as performers for Trump's inauguration.
Another announcement kind of flew under the radar and that's the Village People.
The Village People announced they'd also be there.
Which, like, as this person said: "Picture explaining this to someone in 1988."
In case you didn't know, Trump is a pretty yuge Village People fan. He's always doing that weird little dance at his rallies.
Well, the news of them being at the inauguration has some people excited.
"The history books will show that this was how the nation came together," this person person said.
"I had hoped... I had prayed.... and finally my prayers have been answered!!" another person said.
And this person said it was "an amazing time to be alive!"
Other people are not so into it...
"Oh y'all have lost your absolute minds!!!" this person said.
"They have lost the plot," another person commented in Court TV meme reaction form.
And this person said, "I assume the subtext of 'YMCA' is lost on most Trump supporters."
That tweet is, of course, referring to the song often being called an ALLEGED gay anthem.
FWIW, the Guardian reported that the writer of the song, Victor Willis, said the song is entirely heterosexual. He posted on Facebook, "When I say, 'hang out with all the boys' that is simply 1970s black slang for black guys hanging-out together for sports, gambling or whatever. There’s nothing gay about that." He has also threatened to sue anyone that says the song is a gay anthem.
Anyway, one thing is for sure: Trump's 100% going to do that little dance next week.