People Couldn't Figure Out What Their Cookie Cutters Were Supposed To Be, And The Internet Hilariously Helped Out
If you've ever seen a cookie cutter and were left wondering just what in the world the shape was supposed to be, it turns out you're not alone. Luckily, the folks at the r/whatismycookiecutter subreddit are happy to help figure it out. Here are 5 odd cookie cutters and people's hilarious guesses, along with what they turned out to be:
1.This round, poky shape with some little points:
u/cpmatthew guessed, "A prancing pig with a bow in her hair."
"Spaceship," guessed u/CogitoErgoBah.
"Toddler dabbing in parachute pants," guessed u/Extension-Dot-4308.
Here's what it turned out to be:
2.This round-ish globby shape with a clawed arm of some kind:
u/RedCaio guessed, "Ballerina dives head first into couch cushions looking for her pocket change."
"Worm escaping from a camera," guessed u/Milky_way3.
u/VeryGayLopunny said, "Ho ho ho!"
Here's what it turned out to be:
3.This round, cup-like shape with a swoopy thing sticking up at the top:
u/Giorno_giovanna_wife / Via
"Cat working overtime at the dough factory!! It's rough this time of year," guessed u/winchesnutt.
u/KatyClaws guessed, "Rat in a tiny boat."
"It's a seal lounging like a sexy lady," said u/FunSushi-638.
Here's what it turned out to be:
4.This pointy shape with an appendage of some type:
u/JustForeverTired guessed, "Fat unicorn in bikini with a burning bum."
"A beautiful mermaid," guessed u/PotatoCatastrophe.
u/Ok-Disaster-4320 said, "Shark bird... or bird shark?"
Here's what it turned out to be:
5.And finally, this round, leaf-like shape:
"It's the squeekin' pope," said u/Cleansweepy.
u/my_names_is_billy guessed, "Some sort of bird or duck."
"Keebler Elf bathing," said u/RedCaio.
Here's what it turned out to be:
I have to know: would you have had any idea what these cookie cutters were without help? And do you have any weird cookie cutters in your collection that you can't quite identify? Let us know in the comments.