People Are Sharing The Worst Places They've Ever Been Taken On A Date, And Some Of These Are Truly WILD

While it can be hard to think of exciting and unexpected ideas for a date, there are some locations that are clearly a bad idea. And yet...and yet, some people just don't use their common sense.

Which is why when we at BuzzFeed asked the BuzzFeed Community, "Where's the worst place you've ever been taken on a date?", the answers did not disappoint.

So without further ado, here are 17 of the worst places people have ever been taken to on a date.

And if you have a story of your own, tell us about it in the comments or by filling out this anonymous Google Form!

1."My (now) ex-bf told me he was taking me 'out.' I got totally dressed up and even shaved my legs. Turns out that his version of out was going to a gas station. He told me to pick out a candy. After he paid for the snacks, he got in his car and drove me home. He then kissed me on the cheek and said I’ll see you later. I broke up with him two days later."

Gas station at night with ARCO signage, cars at pumps, and a food mart. Gas prices are displayed on a sign
Mario Tama / Getty Images

2."My date took me to his house. There was dog sh*t everywhere."

Puppy sitting on a rug looking up, with a small mess beside it
Manuel Faba Ortega / Getty Images

3."A cemetery."

Foggy cemetery with numerous headstones and crosses, creating an eerie and mysterious atmosphere
Gremlin / Getty Images

4."I had a first date at the 9/11 museum."

9/11 Memorial in NYC, showing a large reflective pool with cascading water, surrounded by trees and skyscrapers in the background
Bo Zaunders / Getty Images

5.And a similarly depressing choice for a date: "My brother took his girlfriend to a showing of a holocaust documentary in German."

Empty theater with rows of seats, illuminated by a single bright light from a projector
Skynesher / Getty Images

6."My date took me to a karaoke bar with his friends where they tried (and horribly failed) to sing multiple screamo songs. Not even the alcohol could save that night."

Person energetically sings into a microphone, tongue out, with a casual outfit and a bold gesture
Hex / Getty Images/HEX

7."This guy I had been seeing took me on his mother’s first date with a new man (she’d recently separated from the guy I had been seeing's dad). My guy had an uncomfortably close relationship with his mom, so the whole time, he was just posturing and questioning this poor older man and being weirdly protective of his mother. He completely ignored me for the entire dinner and was way more interested in his mom. It was a big ol' red flag, and I did not see him again after that!"

Three people engaged in a heated discussion in a living room, emphasizing differing viewpoints. Man gestures while talking to two women
Motortion / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8."Junior prom. A friend asked me, and I thought it would be a fun night, so I agreed. I got the dress, altered it, bought accessories, and got my hair, nails, and makeup done. I felt and looked amazing. But when we got to prom, my friend/date didn't want to dance. He didn't want to do anything but sit at a table with his guy friends who came alone. I invited him to an after-party, hoping he'd liven up there, but he declined and went home early. Why even ask someone to prom if that's how you're going to act? I respect that not everyone wants to dance and party, but make it fun anyway."

Two people at a prom-themed event; one in a black dress with boots and choker, the other in a shirt and pink-striped tie, both with serious expressions


Jupiterimages / Getty Images

9."My date took me to a flattened patch of grass off a rural road at 11 p.m. on a Tuesday."

Dirt path winds through open grassy field under a clear sky. Sparse trees in the distance

10."A Best Buy parking lot, at night, apparently to smoke, and he didn't have a lighter and proceeded to use matches. That was the beginning and the end. Why could we not just hang out at the hookah lounge where we met up earlier that night? Or one of the four bars nearby? WTF, Chris?"

A person in a hoodie walks through a dimly lit parking lot at night, surrounded by parked cars
Simonkr / Getty Images

11."When I was younger, my date took me to a movie I wasn't old enough to see, followed by a restaurant that wasn't open. Fate was not on our side."

A hand holds a "Closed" sign against a glass door, indicating that a business is not currently open
Graphicscoco / Getty Images

12.And speaking of movies: "This guy took me to see Kiss The Girls, which is a movie about stalking women and murdering them in horrible ways. Not a great first date. 😬😬🫥🫥🫥"

People in a theater reacting to a scary scene; one hides under a sweater, another grimaces, showing a mix of fear and excitement
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

13.Similarly but with a happier conclusion: "My date took me to the theater to see Silence of the Lambs. We’ve managed to stay friends to this day (and he’s apologized a million times, and now we laugh about it). But I slept with my dog for years after that scare — and ever since, my biggest fear is being murdered, and I can’t rid my mind of the image of the bloody nail scratches on the walls of the pit. 😭"

Person on a phone, partially hidden behind a brick wall
Orion Pictures Corp / courtesy Everett Collection

14."He took me on a date to the chain restaurant he worked at. Our waitress was his coworker who hated him. He got an employee discount at the end (just him), and we still split the bill. Normally, I like to split the bill, but this was the one time it felt stupid."

Person in a patterned shirt opens a leather bill folder with a visible receipt and a slot for credit cards. They are seated at a wooden table
Grace Cary / Getty Images

15."My hometown is one of those drive-thru towns with nothing really going on. In High School, I once had a guy pick me up in his oversized pickup truck and take me to Walmart in the next town over. He bought us two Coca-Cola's, a Drifter's CD, and some oil for his car. We then went to his truck in the Walmart parking lot, where he put on the Drifters CD. I sat in the truck and drank my Coca-Cola while he changed the oil in his truck in the Walmart parking lot. There was no second date, but he was polite and respectful."

Long row of shopping carts lined up outside a large Walmart Supercenter store
The Washington Post / The Washington Post via Getty Images

16."Cracker Barrel."

Cracker Barrel billboard with logo and "Old Country Store" text against a cloudy sky
Sopa Images / SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

17.And lastly, proof that not all "bad" dates end badly: "A 'toy museum,' which was an un-air-conditioned room with a bunch of old toys in plastic tanks. No plaques or explanations. And this was in the middle of downtown Austin in July, so the heat inside of the room was unbearable. Afterward, we got Wendy’s and had to eat in the car because there was no space to dine inside. Then I went to his apartment, where he explained one of his favorite video games to me. Then, we watched Mad Max: Fury Road."

A variety of vintage doll heads and limbs are haphazardly arranged in a display window

So, what do you think? Would you give any of these dates a second chance? Or do you have a terrible date story of your own?

Tell us in the comments or by filling out this anonymous Google Form!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.