Which sleeping position should you choose?

The good: Best for alleviating back and neck pain and fighting acid reflux. It also reduces wrinkles and keeps your breast supported.

The bad: Snoring is worse on your back.

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The good: Sleeping on your side with a pillow keeps your back and neck aligned, reduces snoring and is the next best thing to back sleeping for acid reflux. It’s also a great position for pregnant women.

The bad: Squashing your face into the pillow can cause wrinkles and your breasts can sag since they are dangling downwards, which stretches the ligaments.

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The good: This position is good for snorers, as it keeps the airways open. Just use a very thin pillow or, preferably, none at all.

The bad: This is the worst for your back and neck, as it involves the neck being turned to one side for hours and puts pressure on joints and muscles. It can also cause wrinkles and sagging breasts.

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