Women Post Beautiful Selfies In Response To #FeministsAreUgly

Despite the fact that celebrities such as Beyonce and Leighton Meester have been actively trying to educate people on the meaning of feminism of late, there have been a spate of hashtags denouncing the movement.

The latest, #FeministsAreUgly, started trending on Twitter this weekend, much to the chagrin of women who believe otherwise. In response to the misguiding hashtag, a number of social media users decided to respond by posting beautiful selfies.

"The #FeministsAreUgly tag started by misogynists has backfired coz now they have to look at all us ugly feminists," stated one user, while another simply posted a photo collage of Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce and Emma Watson (all self-proclaimed feminists) with the words, "Yeah sorry I can't hear you".

As Australia' Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick states, feminism is widely misunderstood and feared.

"When you look at what the feminist ideals are, they are hardly revolutionary: being able to live free from violence; being paid equally with men; being able to work and care and really choose how to spend your life; having choice over your own body and so on. If you believe you are in every way equal to men, that is what feminism is," says Broderick.

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Leighton Meester sounds off on feminism