Lisa Wilkinson slams Gladys’ ‘mixed messaging’ as cases keep rising

The Project host Lisa Wilkinson has fired up over Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s 'mixed messaging’ as NSW’s latest Covid outbreak continues to spread.

As NSW recorded its worst numbers yet on Thursday, with 262 cases and five deaths, Lisa says that this situation would never have happened if a ‘hard lockdown' was installed back in June.

Lisa Wilkinson on The Project.
Lisa says that NSW’s recent outbreak is because Gladys’ lockdown wasn’t hard enough. Photo: Channel 10

“Just watching this unfold, it really does feel like the problem sheets back to the original mixed messaging where the lockdown wasn’t hard enough and people wanted a hard lockdown,” the journalist said.

Lisa’s comments come as Victoria was plunged into lockdown for the sixth time after recording six new cases on Thursday.


While she acknowledged it’s a “pity” that Victoria has had to lockdown six times in 18 months, she said that she wishes NSW had followed Premier Daniel Andrews’ approach from the beginning.

“We wanted to know what the rules were so we could follow them and get out of it quickly, but Victoria keeps proving every time that the minute you get an outbreak there, you stamp on it and you get back to normal life again,” she expressed.

Gladys Berejiklian.
NSW recorded a record 262 cases and five deaths on Thursday. Photo: Getty

The 61-year-old went on to say: “There’s a lot of us in Sydney who feel like we need to apologise to you guys because all of this comes from what happened six weeks or so ago with that Bondi cluster that happened,” she told her co-hosts in Melbourne.

Lisa definitely hasn’t stayed silent during the latest pandemic, as she admitted last week that the record case numbers in NSW were starting to feel like a “gut punch”.

She did, however, point out the fact that hesitation for the Covid vaccine has seemingly reduced and it will “hopefully give a lot of people in NSW who get the vaccine a fighting chance”.

Lisa also pointed out that younger people like Abbie Chatfield, who was vaccinated last week, sharing photos of themselves getting the jab will likely help reduce hesitancy to get the Astra Zeneca vaccine.

“Get in and get it done,” Lisa added.

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