MAFS star spills on the behind-the-scenes trick to film couples' arguments

EXCLUSIVE: Tahnee Cook has divulged what rule participants are told to abide by if they're arguing with their partner.

Married At First Sight has had its fair share of explosive arguments over the years, but as anyone who's ever fought with a partner knows, it's not always in the ideal setting or situation conducive to, well, being on camera.

If you've ever wondered how producers of a show like MAFS manage to spring the couples fighting and film it so we can all watch like the thirsty drama queens we are, we've got the answers direct from someone who's lived the experience.

Tahnee Cook appeared on Yahoo Lifestyle's podcast Behind The Edit and revealed the real purpose of MAFS' diary cams is so that the participants can film behind-the-scenes footage and offload it to the producers if they ever need extra context.

We saw on last week's episode how Ellie filmed a post-argument piece-to-camera after her MAFS husband Ben mocked her voice. Tahnee said the cast is encouraged to use this as their own filming tool in order to add any additional context that can be missed when the production crew aren't following them around.

Ellie MAFS 2024
Ellie was the first 2024 MAFS contestant to pull out the diary cam. Photo: Nine

Tahnee reveals how fights on MAFS really get filmed

"So the rule was if you start fighting you have to pull out your diary cam and film it," she said. "Absolutely not happening!


"Anytime you'd have, like, some sort of heated discussion or anything important, you'd pull out your diary cam, obviously we saw Ellie pull hers out and do her little thing. You'd have to do that, but not many people did."


She continued: "Usually, especially for things like the commitment ceremony, you're going to go home, no cameras there, and you're going to have a little bit of a debrief."

2023 MAFS star Tahnee Cook
2023 MAFS bride Tahnee Cook. Photo: Yahoo

"Then in the morning, you kind of have to do it again. They have to mic you up, then walk in, so it's not natural. The only time they really barged in the room was the retreat where we weren't mic'd up, that's the only time they came in with no notice... any other time, you get a bit of a pre-warning," Tahnee said.


"So that's when you see them [the participants] tense, they've obviously had a discussion off-camera, and then things are tense and they try and bring the cameras in but most of the time it doesn't get caught on camera."

Subscribe to Yahoo Lifestyle's podcast Behind The Edit and listen to the full interview with Tahnee Cook here.

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