Home and Away fans slam dramatic pregnancy reveal: 'Bad situation'

When's the best time to tell your baby daddy he's going to be a father? At his ex-wife's memorial, of course.

Tane Harper home and away baby
POV: 30-something-year-old man realises what happens when you don't use condoms. Photo: Seven

There are a few certainties when it comes to life in Summer Bay: hotties on the beach, the world's most flawless hospital system, people dying prematurely, and accidental pregnancies. In fact, we've ticked off all of the above in the last couple of weeks.

Tane's been at the beach broodingly flexing his biceps, our fave Home and Away characters have been in and out of hospital, though not all survived — sorry Felicity. And Harper found out she was accidentally knocked up with Tane's baby after one night of passion.

Harper has officially hit the 13-week mark of her pregnancy, has seen baby Tane on an ultrasound, and still somehow failed to tell him the news because the timing was never quite right. Unfortunately for Harper, the timing got even worse when the love of his life and ex-wife Felicity carked it, and then Harper decided to tell Tane he was going to be a dad at Felicity's memorial to stop him from punching on with someone and ruining his probation*.

Harper tells Tane she's pregnant on Home and Away
"OK so now that Felicity is out of the way, how do you feel about babies?" Photo: Seven

*Oh yeah, FWIW, Tane is on some seven-year good behaviour bond because he kidnapped a baby from a hospital. He's literally the only straight man in Australia in his 30s, actually desperate to have a kid.


Anyway, in last night's episode when Tane got all "what do I have to live for?" and Harper screamed in his face "I'm pregnant with your baby" as though that was the perfect solution, Home and Away fans were torn between being relieved Harper finally shared the news while also condemning her for her horrible timing.

Tane finds out Harper is pregnant on Home and Away
TFW you could've saved yourself a 7-year good behaviour bond after stealing a baby from a hospital, and just had a one-night stand earlier to achieve your desired result. Photo: Seven

While Tane was suitably shocked and then went and got very drunk, fans had one complaint.

"It's understandable he's shocked and needs to shot down whiskey, but it's pretty selfish because if I was Harper, I'd want to get drunk too except now I can't because of his stupid baby," one fan, Tahlia Pritchard, commented.

OK, no, the real comments were mainly about Harper's pretty terrible timing.

Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort. Photo: Seven
Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort. Photo: Seven



"She should’ve told him straight away or at least waited for them to give his ex-wife a proper goodbye, very hard timing," one fan said. "It was a bad situation though, he could have ended up in prison for hitting that jerk," another one pointed out.

"Harper picked the wrong time but producers stuffed it up, yet again. Tane isn't happy," another fan said.

"Tane always wanted a child but he wanted to be in a relationship before he has a child, not a one night stand," someone else commented.

Will Harper and Tane end up together? Fans aren't so sure.

"Tane does not love Harper but he will stand by her and support the baby is my theory," one person speculated.



"I’m happy for Tane and Harper, just what he needs now," one person said. "I think he backs out," someone replied.

I bet he wished he backed out earlier though. Haha, see what I did there? OK, I'll see myself out.

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