All About the Leo Rising Sign, from Personality to Compatibility

Here's everything you need to know if your ascendant is in Leo, according to an astrologer

<p>Getty (3)</p> Rising Sign Celebrities Robert Downey Jr., Drake, Demi Lovato

Getty (3)

Rising Sign Celebrities Robert Downey Jr., Drake, Demi Lovato

Where most people might be shy to be the center of attention or speak their minds, our Leo Rising friends are simply not built that way.

Ruled by the sun, this Fire sign gravitates toward challenges and is never afraid to take chances — no matter how daunting the path. They're the big personalities in the room with no issues walking up to people and asking questions. They're unabashed self-advocates and don't typically have the mentality that there are things beyond out of their league or beyond their reach.

While they are the social butterflies, Leo Rising signs don't actually get close to too many people. They'll socialize with ease, but when it comes to their inner circle, they're quite picky. Symbolized by the lion, the Leo Rising sign is also known to be very loyal and protective of their loved ones.

We tapped Psychic Saba, premier astrologist at California Psychics, to give us the rundown on everything you need to know about the Leo Rising sign.

Related: What Are the Personality Traits of a Leo? A Complete Guide to the Zodiac Sign

What are the personality traits of a Leo Rising sign?

The number one thing about a Leo Rising sign is their charisma. They’re the person who would pass the airplane test, meaning if asked who you would want to sit next to on an international flight, it would probably be somebody with a Leo Rising personality!

They are generous, gregarious and fun. They’re everything you would expect the most popular person in the world to be. That’s the “je ne sais quoi” of the Leo Rising.

Now, because they are ruled by the sun, they can also be a little bit vain, attention-seeking and over-the-top, which can be challenging for some, especially down-to-earth signs like Cancers and Capricorns. A Leo Rising is guaranteed to make you either love them or hate them.

What is the mindset of a Leo Rising sign?

Leo Rising signs believe they can always win. They believe that everything is going to work out in their favor and that more opportunities are always on the way. They're also big on reciprocity! They feel like if they’re generous, then the universe has no choice but to be generous with them!

They believe in themselves, and they have a lot of heart, so they’re always going to go for it, even if there’s a chance that they might lose. Instead of second-guessing themselves, their attitude is to always take the chance.

They have the mindset of a winner, a champion.

Related: What Are Fire Signs? Everything to Know About Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

What signs are compatible with Leo Rising signs?

Leo risings are most compatible with Sagittarius. Their charisma and status are a good match for that fiery Sagittarius who understands their fire but also knows how to go with the flow.

They're also compatible with the Air sign Aquarius, which lets them be the star. If a Leo Rising is with a partner, they want somebody who’s equally attracted to them and equally intelligent — they want their match.

Lastly, these prideful lions go well with fiery Aries who not only understand their fire but can also encourage their shenanigans. If a Leo Rising has an Aries partner, that Aries is going to be their biggest cheerleader.

What signs are least compatible with Leo Rising signs?

Leo risings will butt heads with Cancers and Capricorns. Cancers have a very altruistic view of the world and believe that everybody should be happy and that everybody should be taken care of. The "mother of the zodiac," Cancer signs have a community mindset.

That can be a bit challenging for self-centered and confident Leos. They are a Water sign and they can put Leo’s fire out, which typically doesn't mesh well with Leo Rising's energy.

Capricorns get tired of Leo’s constant need for attention and validation, but Leo Rising signs like to be reassured; they like to know that they are loved. Whereas Leo Risings are relentless opportunists, Capricorns are kind of fixed. They have a schedule and like to be predictable — but they would call it realistic! Leo Risings can grind their gears.

How are Leo risings in relationships?

In relationships, Leo risings want someone who is their physical, intellectual, energetic and financial equal. They want someone who is equally striking, even if the person is not as gregarious and “in your face” in terms of their personality.

How are Leo risings as friends?

Leo Risings most likely operate in friendship tiers.

They may have acquaintances — lots of them. They are likely to be the most popular person in the room, so everybody will usually know the Leo Rising but they may not know them on a deep level. They’re extremely social, but they may not be available for long talks.

They also have casual friends, whether that be people they talk to on the phone or professional associates, but these people still aren’t people they would allow into their inner sanctum.

And then they have their “lifers,” their lifelong friends, people that they will have long talks with and that they would bail out if they were in trouble. These are people that Leo Rising would help with their dreams. These are the people that they would be vulnerable with. And there are very few of them! Even though Leo Rising is extremely social, well-known and popular, very few people get into this inner sanctum.

What are Leo Rising signs like in the workplace?

Lwo Risings will want to make their job look easy. They want success to feel as though it didn’t take very much to get, but they do put in a lot of effort. They are detail-oriented and they want things to be right, so they won’t tell you or even show you how much work they put in, but they will put in the work.

Leo Risings are natural builders. They have big ideas about their work and they want it to shine. They want it to be memorable, so they’re not going to be lackadaisical.

How are Leo Rising signs as parents?

As parents, Leo Risings will want confident children. They run their house like a kingdom, meaning there are clear lines of distinction between parent and child, and discipline, focus and dedication are paramount.

Leo Risings also want their children to know they are great by default. Leo Risings see raising children who are well-adjusted and successful as their pride and joy. They want to make sure their children are instilled with that same confidence, that same innate belief that they can do anything.

Related: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Parenting Style

Which celebrities are Leo Rising signs?

<p>Getty (3)</p> Leo Rising Sign Celebrities, Robert Downey Jr., Drake and Demi Lovato

Getty (3)

Leo Rising Sign Celebrities, Robert Downey Jr., Drake and Demi Lovato

Celebrities who are Leo Risings include Taraji P. Henson, Céline Dion, Robert Downey Jr., Selena Gomez, Laverne Cox, Carrie Underwood, Drake, Nick Jonas, Glenn Close, Steve Martin, Tina Fey, Demi Lovato, Tina Turner and Marilyn Monroe.

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