Household item 1 in 3 Aussies are using in place of sex toys

"If you're horny, let's do it, ride it, my phone-y."

The cost of living crisis is impacting us all, but recent research has shown that some Aussies are getting, well, creative with their X-rated endeavours and instead of splurging on toys, they've taken intimacy to all new levels by using common household items for pleasurable activities.

I'm not talking about pleasurable activities like coming home from work, taking off your bra, putting your Oodie on and flopping onto the couch with a huge depressed sigh like you've just come back from a war instead of a day in the office, but pleasurable activities like using your household items to spice up your life. To get off. To go to O-town. And whatever other descriptor you want to throw in here.

couple in bed legs intertwined
New research has shown Aussies are getting more creative in the bedroom. Photo: Gettu

In fact, over a third of Australians surveyed by sexual wellness company Lovehoney admitted to using things commonly found in the home to locate their pleasure zone. Some items are less surprising: pillows (36% of people are humping their pillow in some capacity), shower heads (32% are getting down and dirty but also, clean! hygienic! at the same time), and massage guns (you could just buy a vibrator, but sure).

Other people's preferences may have you clutching your rosary beads your grandma gave you 33 years ago that you don't actually wear, but you know, metaphorically. 30% of horny Australians are said to be 'experimenting' with vegetables while nearly a quarter are using their electric toothbrushes (and hopefully not brushing their teeth after). Well, look, I guess carrots are around 50c a pop and a Womanizer could set you back around $170 — that's just being financially savvy at the end of the day.


20% of Aussies admitted to using socks, 18% said they've used mobile phones, and 10% decided to make washing their clothes more fun by getting in on the action of a washing machine. We love some multi-tasking kings and queens!

vacuum cleaner vs vibrator
Sex toys are so 2010s. Photo:

Think it ends there? Think again my sweet, naive friends. We're barely getting started. Other adventurous or perhaps slightly unhygienic Aussies also have experimented with using makeup brushes, shampoo bottles, torches, broom handles, and vacuum cleaners. And here I was thinking the sole purpose of a vacuum cleaner was to suck up the insects I'm too much of a little b**ch to kill.

What's the reason behind these sometimes questionable but always creative urges? The research revealed that 53% of people were simply just looking to spice things up, and 32% didn't have any sex toys handy. No pun intended.

27% were inspired by something they read or saw in movies or on TV, and 11% said their devilish partners suggested the unconventional items. Men will suggest vacuum cleaners before they go to therapy, etc.

Lovehoney expert Christine Rafe weighed in on the hot and horny research, saying, "There are several reasons Aussies might opt for household items instead of genuine sex toys. One major factor is accessibility. For those who don’t already have a collection of charged vibes on the go, household items are readily available, making them a convenient option for spontaneous moments. Secondly, even with the increasing normalisation of sex toys, many people still feel embarrassed or shy about purchasing sex toys, and instead use objects they have at home as an alternative," she said.

This could be us, but you're playin'. Photo: Getty
This could be us, but you're playin'. Photo: Getty


And yep, you guessed it. The fact we're all going to supermarkets to pick up three items and somehow spending $88 or going to the pub for a chicken schnitty and spending over $30 aka the cost of living crisis is also impacting some people's risqué decision-making.

"Cost can also be a factor, quality sex toys are an investment, and with the current increases in costs of living, some are turning to household items as a budget-friendly option," Christine said.

Well, there you have it folks. Have fun, keep safe, and do you need anything? Some snacks? Some condoms? A new broom handle?

This is a lot to take in... Credit: NBC Universal
This is a lot to take in... Credit: NBC Universal

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