"A Horse Sculpture Made Out Of Gum For His Crush": Teachers Are Sharing The Most Startling Things They've Found In A Student's Locker, And We Are Speechless
The internet recently had a good laugh after one mom discovered her son had been keeping a framed photo of Nicolas Cage in his locker.
So, we decided to peruse the internet to see if other teachers or parents had also made random but funny locker discoveries. Turns out, there are lots! This Reddit thread has a lot of gems, which we are going to share with you now:
1."I cleaned out a tuba player's instrument locker. Everything seemed mundane, lots of trash paper, etc, nothing disgusting... Until I pulled out his concert tuba. Dear GOD the smell. There was an Arby's bag with a half-eaten sandwich and some fries IN THE TUBA. We sent his parents that cleaning bill."
2."In primary school, the boy whose cubby hole/locker was next to mine had a huge crush on a girl who loved horses in my class. She was obsessed with horses — she had horse stickers, a horse backpack, etc. So this boy chewed gum every day and started working on a horse sculpture made entirely of gum in his locker. I watched him add to it daily, and wow, horses are hard. He struggled the most, making slender horse legs made of gum to hold up a horse body. We were six or seven years old. He spent a few months on the sculpture, and it became pretty big, but unfortunately, it didn't really look like a horse. He gave it to her during class without an explanation, and she screamed."
Martin Diebel / Getty Images/fStop, Heritage Images / Getty Images
3."One of my friends in junior high put a dead crayfish in his locker right before winter break. When we got back, the whole hallway smelled like a seafood garbage scow had exploded."
4."I'm not a teacher, but a friend of mine in high school managed to get some cow shit cause he wanted to try and make shrooms... 😅." (FUN FACT: Some *magical* mushrooms are known to bloom on the dung of water buffaloes, cows, and even horses.)
5."A person in my middle school would collect daddy long-leg spiders she found around campus and store them in her locker. She would also take one or two outside and let them crawl around her arm during math class. The math teacher politely told her to put the spiders away, but she refused, citing animal rights."
6."I’m not a teacher, but my cousin told me stories about his high school P.E. experience. He didn’t ever wash his clothes for P.E. and failed the class because he refused to take his clothes home and wash them. He left the clothes there for the school to clean at the end of the year."
7."I'm not a teacher, but my friends and I stole a few ketchup packets every day for basically our whole high school careers. We put them in one of the random lockers that no one used. When graduation came, it was FULL of ketchup packets. #KetchupBandits"
8.And while we are talking about ketchup, here's another: "When I was in high school, my friends and I used to hang out at this one particular restaurant, Casey's. And every time we went to it, we would steal one item off the table. We took placemats, forks, spoons, cloth napkins, menus, etc. Once, my friend Matt smuggled a bottle of Heinz ketchup down the front of his pants. Matt had a secret second locker at school, which he used to stash these stolen items in. Well, that spring, the weather turned hot. Really, really hot. It was so hot that this 3/4 full ketchup bottle exploded inside the locker. The entire locker and everything in it was painted in ketchup. It looked like a crime scene."
"Matt took everything out of the locker and threw it all away. Then he pocketed the lock, closed the door, and walked away. The hot weather continued. The ketchup began to cook inside the locker. Pretty soon, the entire hallway started to smell of rotting tomatoes and vinegar. The teachers couldn't figure out where it was coming from. So, they did a locker search down the hallway, one by one. And of course, discovered the locker. It turns out that slowly cooked ketchup inside an enclosed space welds itself to metal exceedingly well. The locker had to be sanded clean and repainted. No one ever fessed up and we never got caught, but that smell lingered until school let out for the summer."
9."In elementary school, my best friend and I used to catch moths in the morning under the security lights at our school. We would put them in our backpack pouches to bring home. My parents didn't care, so my moth farm was replenished each night. However, her parents did care, so she had to keep them in her backpack for an extended period of time. She would feed them applesauce (they actually love this) and check on them. However, she had a medical emergency and was rushed home, so she left her backpack in her locker. She was gone for a week. The moths died, the applesauce rotted, and the entire hallway was permeated by the stench of decaying moths (which has a very distinct scent) and fermenting applesauce. Everyone wondered, 'What in GOD'S NAME is that smell?!' but I kept my mouth shut..."
"When she finally got back, she was horrified. I helped her clean her locker, but the backpack had to go. I had to give her one of mine. My younger siblings went to the same school, and as far as I know, the locker itself still vaguely holds that smell."
10."I found a bunch of used tampons and pads."
11."As a student, I left a half-eaten tuna sandwich in my locker after school. I realized it when I got home. I thought nothing of it because I could get it the next day and throw it out. Unfortunately, that night, I was rushed to the hospital with appendicitis. Whoever opened my locker to get my school books so I could work while recovering at home, found the week-over tuna sandwich. Apparently, students were complaining about a bad smell, and the staff told my mom that they had never smelled anything so bad once they opened my locker. Oops..."
12."On the first day of sixth grade, a kid decided to put a bag of chocolate milk in his locker. Nine months later, on the last day of school, he took out to show everyone. It had turned bright orange. He then decided to drink it."
13."I think my teachers were a bit confused when they found a drawing of a sexy, muscular magikarp (including multiple dicks and a speedo) in my friend's locker. How do I know this? Because I created it."
14."Amidst a prank war, I stashed an uneaten and unwrapped liverwurst sandwich in a friend's locker behind his stuff. I figured he'd find it the next day, but he was absent. This happened to be the Friday before Christmas break. After the break, he opened it, and it was horrific. There were maggots everywhere, an unbelievable stench, and a black ooze that was probably on the verge of sentience. It had also infected adjacent lockers. I figure I won the prank war."
15."In middle school, everyone was obsessed with these really nice (by middle school standards) pens. The school had a huge problem with people having their pens stolen. They eventually got banned in large part because a kid got reported for stealing pens, and when he checked his locker, there was a freezer bag with something like 200 pens in it he had stolen over the course of the year. The normal black or blue version of the pen was around a dollar, but people would buy special versions for like five dollars sometimes. Someone did the math way back when and the kid had about $400 worth of stolen pens hidden in his locker."
16."Some students were apparently trying to 'brew' wine in a bottle in their locker. I don't know what they put in there, but a gallon jug burst in their locker. You could smell it for the rest of the week in the locker banks."
17."I found a wet bathing suit crammed into a half-eaten bucket of fried chicken. Apparently it had been there for weeks."
18."In seventh grade, a couple of friends and I cut the zip tie that held one of the lockers not being used shut. We then proceeded to fill the entire thing with candy and put a padlock on it. We sold candy to everyone."
19."I'm an ex high school teacher and I used to help clean out lockers because it was an 'easy job.' I got paid by the hour, and could stretch it into a month. Until locker number #2173. The asshole kid left about two gallons of cottage cheese in the locker — in 100+ degree heat. The stench was overwhelming, like a rotting carcass. He left a note on the door that read, 'Fuck all you cocksuckers.'"
YIKES. If you have any wild locker finds — or want to expose yourself — please do so in the comments!!
NOTE: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.