Heartbreak High cast spill on filming intimate scenes

Netflix’s Heartbreak High cast sat down with Yahoo Lifestyle to chat about season 2, fan interactions and behind-the-scenes moments.

Video transcript

- I don't know. It's a funny thing. It's very-- I think it kind of gets glorified, that process. And if you haven't shot one or been a part of that process, you don't necessarily know what goes into it. And it's a very technical sort of thing. And it's like a choreographed dance number, in a way. And it's very-- and there's lots of precautions in place for people to feel safe. But part of it, I think, with doing it with people that you are really close with, it takes that awkwardness away. Or at least-- maybe there's still an initial one to start with, but it's kind of nice to be able to have that relationship with your castmates.

And you still-- although it's technical and very planned out, you still have to be quite vulnerable in those moments. And it's different person to person, but it can be pretty anxious sort of thing, knowing that that's also going to go out into the world, and anyone and everyone can see it for the rest of eternity. But it's nice to have that degree of comfort with your cast mate. And once you've shot one, by the end of it, it's every second Tuesday.


- The best bits.

- I just find-- watching it back with your parents. I'm so proud of this show, but can you actually not watch any of it?

- Yeah. Grandma is the worst one. When Grandma has to watch it, it's just-- the threesome from last season? My grandma was like, what's that? What's happening? It wasn't me, though. My grandma has seen you have a threesome.

- I also got to meet your grandma after she watched that, I'm pretty sure. So that was fun.

- A lot of our intimacy coordinators are dancers. So it's very mechanical, and there's a technique to it. But also, we all have quite good chemistry with our scene partners. So it all facilitates all of that.