Which Goverment Jobs 'The Agency' Cast Would Do in Real Life
Showtime's drama series The Agency may be all about the lives of CIA agents, but with a cast of actors featuring this many personalities, becoming a spy in real life doesn't seem exactly like the dream for them all. Parade caught up with the cast on the red carpet to hear all about their dream jobs: government employee edition. Read on for the full interview.
Which Government Jobs Would the Cast of 'The Agency' Choose in Real Life?
Katherine Waterston: A psychologist of some sort.We do need that. Yeah, we all need that.
Alex Reznik: I love CIA work. I mean, I don't know if I'd get admitted as an agent. We actors, there's a certain few of us that would probably make it in the CIA. It's a complete double life that you are constantly living. You're living a lie 24/7 and where do the lines blur? And I think one of the things that we focused on in the show was, we always, the writers and the producers, directors would always say to us was, “You are living your story, and that's what you have to do to continue to survive, right, without getting blown.”
Harriet Sansom Harris: Now, I would hope I could be a spy. I would really hope that, you know, I don't want to go out and chase people. I want to be the kind of spy I am. I don't want to run up and down stairs, and she probably can’t shoot and do that kind of stuff. But I think she doesn't like to do that anymore.
Jodie Turner-Smith: Do you know what? I would love to work in education. I think it’s important. [Singing] I believe children are the future.
Reza Brojerdi: I mean I could be a spy because I'm kind of like, I think I could do that. But, I'm not sure if I would do it because it's really crazy thing to do. As you will find out in this show. So kind of if I have to choose something that I can do the best, it would be that maybe.
Joe Wright: If I had to have a government job, God, I couldn't think of anything worse. I would be, in Britain, the Minister of Finance and make sure that all the money went to our public health system and our schools.